Page 46 of The Vow
Great. It would have to be the fucking yappy little guard dog. “It’s not what it looks like-” Carmelo guiltily spluttered.
Ardian squared his jaw, looking at the door of the room Carmelo had just come out of, looking at Carmelo’s half buttoned shirt from last night. Ardian raised his eyebrow scathingly.
“Looks like you are sneaking out of Lena’s bedroom after spending the night with her,” Ardian stated flatly. “Am I wrong?”
“I…” Carmelo decided to play it straight. “Well, yeah, that’s what I’m doing… but we didn’t… and anyway, if she’s going to be my wife, I think I can spend the night in her-”
Ardian held up his hands. “To be honest, I don’t want to know and I don’t fucking care.”
Carmelo was taken aback by his response, and looked closely at Ardian. He was tired, his skin was pale, his clothes rumpled, his shirt sleeves rolled up.
“Pina was puking all night. I took her back to her room, she passed out, I nearly left her but then she puked all over the bed, so I had to get her cleaned up. Then after that, I was too scared she’d fucking choke on her vomit…”
“Fuck, man,” Carmelo said, empathizing.
Ardian turned, Carmelo copied him and both men walked down the corridor together, side by side.
“She was crying, kept wanting to go back to the party even though it had ended and she was a mess…”
“A long, messy night for you, then?” Carmelo said. “You haven’t been to sleep yet?”
Ardian ran a hand through his hair. “No man, I smell like her puke and I’ve had to put up with her harassing me all night… fuck this fucking family… sometimes-” But he stopped himself going further.
Carmelo put a hand on his back.
“I’m starting to see that. The girls all have a problem with alcohol?” he asked.
Ardian dipped his head and shook it. “Camilla drinks a lot, always has, takes pills, for her nerves… can’t say I blame her but the girls… they see their mother doing that to cope with feeling lonely, sad, angry… they copy. Yeah, I’d say there is a bit of a problem…”
Carmelo nodded sagely. “Pina’s at boarding school though, and Lena’s at college…”
“Yeah, and we’ve got bodyguards on them. Pina acts up at school, she’s nearly been expelled a few times, but because of who she is, she gets away with murder…” Ardian shrugged.
“Fuck,” Carmelo said empathetically.
Ardian glanced at him. “They’ll be yours to worry about soon enough. I’m paid to do this, you will be expected to take care of the family-”
Carmelo sighed.
Ardian seemed to snap out of it, realizing who he was with and that he needed to put a front back on. Carmelo felt the tired guy just trying to do his best suddenly belt up in ironclad armor. Shame, he’d liked talking openly to Ardian.
He rounded on Carmelo suspiciously. “So what the fuck were you doing sneaking out of Lena’s room?”
Camrleo shrugged, keeping the calm, philosophical vibe from their heart to heart, hoping to pull Aridan back into that vibe. “Not too dissimilar to your night by the sounds of it. I took Lena back to her room, she’d had too much to drink. Helped her into bed. Took her shoes off, you know.”
Ardian raised his eyebrows but said nothing.
“She didn’t want me to go, said to stay, she fell asleep…” Carmelo caught a glance at Ardian’s doubtful face. “Nothing else happened.” The images of her screaming through an orgasm on his lap filled his brain, her warm pussy lips against his tongue… he swallowed loudly.
Ardian shrugged. “Whatever. As you say, she’s going to be your wife.” He looked up at the hotel room doors they were passing. “This is me,” Ardian said, stopping outside of one of the doors.
Carmelo raised a hand. “Goodnight, man.”
Ardian eyed him for a moment, frowning. Carmelo thought he was going to leave him hanging. But Ardian took it and came in for the shoulder bump, too.
“Night,” he said, and beeped himself into his room.
Carmelo took a huge sigh of relief and continued to his room on a different floor.