Page 60 of The Vow
Ash chimed in, “See, not slow and considerate-”
Nix grabbed Ash’s balls this time. “And then when I’ve filled Penny I’m going to fill you.”
Ash purred with pleasure now.
Lyle chuckled. All four of them were primed, grinding on each other’s thighs, palms on their crotches, completely lost in their own world. It was undeniably beautiful. Unique. Lena had never seen anything like it.
“Take me to bed, boys,” Penny finally slurred.
And all three of them didn’t need telling twice. Lyle used one hand on Nix, one on Ash to haul them up to their feet, spin them around and propel them in the direction of the door. Penny held onto Lyle, her early pregnancy belly still revealed to the world, and let the momentum of him carry her forward, too. All four of them tripped over each other to get to the elevator lobby.
Lena turned back to who was left in the seating area. A smirking Sully and an ever-watchful Phantom. She realized she was breathless.
And she could have done with that breath of air.
Because from behind Phantom’s chair, out of thin air, suddenly a figure materialized. Metal flashed and Lena let out a silent scream as she realized a knife was now pressed up against Phantom’s throat.
A voice purred. “What’s this? The deadly assassin, caught off his guard?”
Phantom had a knife to his throat, his head tilted slightly to accommodate it, and he took a deep breath in, closing his eyes.
The figure holding the knife was a woman, a pretty, petite brunette. She looked at Sully and Lena and, to Lena’s surprise, flashed them a playful grin and a wink.
Lena thought now was a good time to down the rest of her martini.
“Sophie,” Sully greeted her casually, completely unphased by the knife to the throat thing. He hadn’t batted an eyelid either when Nix and Ash had approached Lyle and Penny. Even Shadow, the little cat now curled up, eyes closed on her lap, slept through. Maybe this was normal MC life?
“Hey Sully,” the younger woman replied, the knife still poised firmly at Phantom’s throat.
She smiled politely at Lena.
Lena thought she should better pipe up. “I’m Milena Zakarian, Carmelo’s…”
“I’ve heard, Carmelo’s soon to be wife!” Sophie made an excited face. “Hi.”
Lena managed a lame little wave, watching as Phantom seemed to be struggling now, with the knife pressed against his windpipe.
But he wasn’t struggling with fear. He was struggling with pleasure. He was almost whining with need. He had an unashamed bulge in his jeans, and he began gently thrusting his hips. His hands were gripping the arms of the chair he was in as if he was handcuffed in place. His lips parted and he let out a breath that was all desire.
“Husband dearest, I need you,” Sophie said sweetly, bending a little to his ear level, where she nipped his helix with her front teeth. He growled and flinched but she immediately followed up with pressing the knife into his throat further.
“Upstairs. I’ve got a new ice cream flavor for the parlor, I want you to test it out.”
Poor Phantom, the deadly, terrifying, silent man was reduced to a salivating puppy.
“Do you think you would be…upfor that?” Sophie paused and flicked her eyebrow at the ‘up’, leaving no room for doubt about what part of him she wanted eager and willing to obey.
But Phantom was no longer in the chair, under her blade. There had been barely a noise, barely a whisper, the air around him had not stirred. And yet he now stood behind Sophie, knife to her throat, hand over her mouth, mouth next to her ear.
And he didn’t speak still but he didn’t need to say anything. So much for the salivating puppy. He was a Doberman and he was out for her blood now. He simply let a low, deep growl vibrate in his throat. Sophie whimpered, and he then manhandled her out of the bar.
“Don’t worry, I’ll entertain Lena,” Sully called to their retreating figures with a wry smile.
He was sprawled on the sofa, completely calm, like this happened daily. Maybe it did.
“Fuckers, no manners, honestly. You’d think we were all wild animals.” Sully rolled his eyes. “Another drink?”