Page 24 of Unnatural Fate
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Dominic didn’t wait. He took off into the moonlight, leaving me in his territory, with his people, to chase him. I kicked off my vintage Saint Laurent boots, sure they’d be trashed if I played this game. I should leave my trousers, but as they were only a decade old, I was more willing to part with them. My tie joined the boots. Handmade in Paris at the turn of the last century. I wouldn’t risk it with the fucking animal.
“When I catch you, I’m going to rip you apart as I take my pleasure.”
Laughter reached my ears. Like he was Puck or some other fae spirit here to taunt me.
I vaulted over the edge, landing on the uneven ground with one knee pressed into the mud. “Mother fucker.”
He wasn’t going to make this easy, that I knew. And I wouldn’t want him to.
I wanted to chase him.
Hunt him.
The primal game made me rock fucking hard.
He was my perfect partner.
I gave chase, following his scent as he zigzagged through the trees. He only had a two-minute head start, but he knew this land better than I did. It held secrets I’d be blind to. But what I couldn’t figure out was why he didn’t run in a straight line.
The back and forth would slow him down. I cut straight through his scent as soon as I realized what he was doing. I’d lose and regain his smell every hundred yards. It was easy enough. But what was I missing?
I didn’t figure it out until I hit the bank of a river. His scent was gone. Any tracker would think he waded into the water and continued that way to lose me, thus giving me a fifty-fifty shot of choosing correctly, but I knew better.
He’d created the whole thing and run that way to throw me off when he turned around.
That mother fucker.
I retraced the path, getting more and more frustrated with every second that passed. I wanted to pin him against a tree and take what was mine. I could hear his laughter in the back of my mind. He could probably sense my annoyance.
I growled, letting it ring out between the spruce trees.
It echoed and rebounded like the forest was alive. I closed my eyes, pulled at the thread connecting us, and followed.
This time, his laugh came audibly.
I charged headlong, my long strides eating up the ground under my feet. He hadn’t shifted. I caught a fresh whiff of him and turned on a pin, taking off in the new direction.
And then I saw him, dodging between trees. I redoubled my efforts at the chase. He weaved around trees, agile and beautiful, making me cut and dart and nearly collide with the massive trunks. I might be faster than he was, but he had me when it came to maneuverability. His body was made for this.
My fangs extended, and my cock throbbed. I was hungry.
Finally, I was in range to leap, and I did, tackling him to the ground. He didn’t give in easily, fighting my pin. We flipped around through the underbrush, my slacks catching on twigs and branches. He bit my shoulder, eliciting a snarl. His nails tore at my skin as he rubbed his hips into mine, as much to tease and arouse me as to gain the upper hand.He teased as much as he fought, rubbing up against me, making sure I felt every inch of his bare skin.
My cock ached, leaking and smearing between us. His canines were full and large, as hungry for me as I was him.
I finally locked him under me with a hand on his throat and my knee on his chest.
His smile didn’t waver. “What are you waiting for?”
I ripped open the button on my slacks to grab my cock. “You to lose some of this fight.”
“I won’t. If you want inside me, you need to take it.” His eyes were alight with amusement, and it made my cock pulse.
I spit on my dick, not daring to take my hand off his throat. “I’m going to take it, and I’m going to fuck you so deep, you taste it.”