Page 30 of Unnatural Fate
“I understand, but I can’t be here after if you do.” His words were cold, but I didn’t blame him.
“What would you have me do? You know the only way I can get out of it.”
“I do.”
As the alpha of the pack, there were traditions and rules my people took extremely seriously. One of them was making the next generation stronger than the last. It was a tradition dating back as long as the blood wars. Breeding strong warriors for the war.
On the summer solstice, we ran, we fed, and then, after the moon set and our animals were sated with the celebration, we returned to our human form, and we fucked. As the alpha was believed to be the strongest of the males, it was essential he led the ritual. If mateless, he was expected to take as many females who would have him for the night, moving from body to body in a carnal haze fed by blood lust. The goal, of course, was to produce as many strong heirs to take his place as possible. Spring stock. Diversify and breed. We were animals, after all.
I would have liked it to be a tradition not upheld in this day and age. Who in their right mind would send their daughters to fuck the alpha in a line? Beyond how the older generations felt, what free-thinking female would volunteer for such a thing? They had to be willing. The laws were clear.
The first year, I expected to pass out in a field, high off my blood lust with no volunteers.
I was wrong.
More wrong than I’d ever been in my entire life.
It was an honor to carry the alpha’s child.
Bile rose in my throat at the memory.
“We have months to figure it out. I’m not going to let it weigh on our beginning.”
“Less than four months, Dominic.”
“I know.”
Four months to decide where the line was.
To decide if I was going to claim Vin as my mate or if I’d go through with the quickening again.
My last one, if the prophecy was right.
I knew what I had to do.
Time ticked down. How much could I hurt him before I left this life?
Ihated this life for him. Dominic had been pulled by the Gods to do their bidding to set the wars in balance, but it left him with little choice. He could have been selfish and denied his birthright, but he was far too headstrong to ever put himself before his people, and I wouldn’t change it in him. I loved him for who he was.
There was a lovely crease to his brow, deep in thought. He was full of turmoil. Tides were shifting in his mind. Had one action shifted as many pieces as it seemed to? Time would tell where they’d fall. Light filled his eyes, glistening and brighter, more moving pieces. But would he tell me?
He had a glow about him, and for a creature of darkness, it was a sight to see. Was this what happiness was? I might be too cynical to even know.
Dominic was, and always would be, the manager of his destiny. He didn’t care about anyone’s opinion of it, which suited my needs. I had my own affairs to manage, and they required time and energy. Even if I wanted to pretend to play house with my mate, we both knew the reality of our situation would never look like a white picket fence.
And the Gods wouldn’t have it, even if we wanted it, so we best get on with it.
“Eggs?” Dominic asked, seamlessly returning to caretaking like we hadn’t just ripped open another wound between us.
“I thought you were making French toast?” I stepped behind him to open the small icebox. With as much money as I knew Dominic had amassed creating his little empire, his affinity for this log cabin amused me. Slightly nicer than a mountain shack, with running water and electricity, but nonetheless, it was far less than he could afford. I knew his financials well. Numbers were my forte. Part of my usefulness to the local vampires was managing their books, which allowed me the freedom I had.
“I am making French toast and eggs, and I have fruit.” He paused as he was slicing melon. “Bacon, too.”
“Were you expecting guests?” I found the juice and poured us both a glass.