Page 34 of Unnatural Fate
The air between us thickened. His grip on his fork changed, and the wolf in my head told me every muscle in his body had tensed. Veins protruded in his forearms, but his face remained the same.
“I thought so.” I turned off the stove and started to clean up the mess I’d made.
“You thought so what? Finish your sentence.”
“I thought you’d be disapproving.” There was no sense in trying to hide my words. I’d already given him enough of a preview for him to know what was coming, and I wasn’t a coward.
“Why did you assume I’d be disapproving?” A knife could have cut his words. They were heavy with emotion, laced with an edge I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the meaning of.
“Because you hate the bruises.”
“Could it be because my mate is putting himself in harm’s way night after night for the amusement of humans?”
“I think you answered your own question.” I left the food where it was, knowing one or both of my brothers would figure out I wasn’t at home and come up here looking for me at some point to eat it. They’d be getting off shift soon.
“I want to hear it from your lips, Dominic. Because I could come up with myriad of reasons myself, but you have me intrigued. Do continue.” He picked up his plate and brought it to where I was rinsing the other dishes in the sink. He shoved it in front of my hands.
I didn’t look at him. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. “Because I enjoy it. I enjoy letting my wolf out to play. I enjoy the pain and violence of it. I like the release it brings, and since I met you, it’s been the only way I’ve been able to get off without you.” It was a lot more truth than I think he was expecting. More than I was expecting to give.
“You get off on it?” His words mixed with a snarl.
“Did you expect me to be celibate?”
“I know you enjoy it.” He growled. “The rest… Well, I guess it needs to be discussed.” The words came with a bite, one I would carry with me for a long time.
I wanted to ask how he felt about it, but I was terrified of the outcome of such a conversation. He took the dishes as I washed them, drying them off and setting them on the counter.
“Don’t stalk me enough to know where to put my dishes?”
“Not quite that far. I do have my life to attend to.” He side-eyed me. “There are other things you want to ask me.”
“No.” I held out the last pan and met his stare.
“I won’t lie to you.” Not going forward. You didn’t build on unsteady ground.
He narrowed his eyes.
“I don’t want to have the conversation. I’m curious about things, but the outcome doesn’t interest me.”
His dark brow arched, and he set the towel aside, turning toward me. “What outcome are you expecting from the conversation?”
I shook my index finger at him. “Oh no, you don’t. You are not trapping me into this. I didn’t ask.”
His lips pulled back, exposing his fangs. Razor-sharp and gleaming, like he had the best dentist in the world whitening them all the time.
I squared my shoulders and faced him, monster to monster, mate to mate. “I’ve given you enough answers today. Enough talking.”
He slid a finger under my chin, and I thought he would concede and kiss me. “I’ll never know enough of you, my wolf. I won’t stop demanding things. And you shouldn’t expect me not to want to know the ins and outs of your soul.”
“Patience.” I tilted my mouth up, seeking his, but it never came.
My door banged open, and Vin and I jumped apart.