Page 36 of Unnatural Fate
Snarls and growls. Blood and the stench of death, but nothing more. The same as it had been since I was a child. Impending, but no closer to the new direction.
Vin’s heartbeat changed. Not quicker. It slowed, and I didn’t dare break eye contact with my brother. I wouldn’t give Az an inch, but I was dying to know the expression that went along with Vin’s calm. Was he preparing himself for a fight with Az? Or was he at ease the belief I could die if any of this went south? Maybe he looked forward to a day when he wasn’t tied to this fate. We hadn’t yet discussed the real risks that came along with my job. Not in any sort of actual way. We were still trying to figure us out.
“And you’re willing to risk it all for him?”
I didn’t much like the way Az said ‘him’, but I ignored it. Some things were better left where they lay. “Yes.”
My single word changed Az’s entire face. His expression. He stared open-mouthed at Vin like I had him here without thinking things through. I’d thought things through. For years and years. This wasn’t a rash decision made to appease my cock.
“I can’t live without him any longer, Az. He’s part of my fate. I have to accept that.”
He gave me a nod and turned and left. Which, for Az, wasn’t a bad sign. He was going to go mull it over and either accept it or kick my ass later. I wasn’t going to worry about it now.
“You can’t live without me anymore?” Vin repeated.
“Do you need me to say it again?” I turned on him, done with the confrontation with Az and ready to defend my words to Raf and Gabe if need be.
“I think I need you to say it a few more times. Really let it sink in.” He was smiling, and I loved it. Loved the way his cheeks pulled and his eyes crinkled. Joy was a good look on him.
“Sleep here more often, and I might say it again.”
“Is that an invitation or a demand?” Vin asked.
“Depends on my mood.” I didn’t give him time to make this more sexual than it needed to be. “Do you have anything to say about all of this?” I asked Raf, who was working on his third plate, finishing the French toast.
“I knew you were serious when I could smell him from the doorway. You wouldn’t have him here if you weren’t. Az needs words. You know he can’t read social situations like the rest of us. The daywalker wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t something to you, so I either accept it or I don’t. It’s not like I’m going to challenge you, so, best to make friends.” Raf was more levelheaded than Az or I could pretend to be. Sometimes, I forgot what a good head he had on his shoulders. It was one of the reasons his job was to keep the peace. He was the judge, but not in the human sense. He didn’t sit in a courtroom; he heard the disputes and made judgments unless they were big enough to be brought to me.
“Does this sound like support?” I asked, amused by his thinking through as much so quickly.
“He’s your soul tie. You didn’t choose it, and neither did he. The Gods have a reason for it. I’m surprised you two denied it as long as you did. Why suffer when there are so many more things to worry about?” Raf shrugged and shoved more food into his mouth.
“It doesn’t bother either of you what I am?” Vin interjected, and I was glad for it. All these things would need to be hashed out so we could be a united front.
“As far as I understand it, you aren’t on the vampire side of all this, are you?”Gabe asked.
“I stay out of their politics. My kind was banished from the Old World a long time ago. I know my place among them, and I’d rather not kiss the ring to be barely above the wolves.” Vin wouldn’t kiss their asses, either.
“So why would it bother me? Wolves fall in love with humans all the time, and Dom didn’t have a choice. I don’t think you’re going to fuck him over with what you are.”Rafael seemed to accept it easily. It gave me more confidence.
“No, never.” Vin’s words were harsh. Angry even.
“Then why would I have a problem?” Raf asked.
“I agree,” Gabe added.
I looked between the three of them and shook my head. It was better than I could have expected the morning to go.
“Good. We should get along well. I think.” Vin turned on me. “The other one going to work it out?”
I held up my hands. “Who knows? I’ll deal with it either way.”
He leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Make sure he doesn’t kill you. I rather like you alive. Dead would put such a damper on our sex life.”
I blinked and lifted a lip in disgust. “But I’m expected to sleep with your dead ass?”
“I’m fully living, unlike my counterparts. Do you need a lesson on what daywalkers are?” Vin delivered the words without emotion.
“Wouldn’t you be half dead?” Gabe made a face like he was trying to work out the science behind it.