Page 41 of Go the Long Way
"Yeah, only…" Jakob frowned, biting his lip.
"What?" Ethan inquired softly in a voice that made Jakob's heart burst to hear.
"Say it again?" he asked quietly.
Ethan hummed happily, grinning as he rubbed his palms up and down Jakob's trembling thighs, kneading at his hips. Making Jakob's belly quiver as he smoothed his way up Jakob's abs and over his chest.
Gasping at the sparks lighting up and down his spine, Jakob leaned into the touch; bowing his back as Ethan urged him down, gripping along Jakob's biceps and shoulders, curving around his neck to pull him into a desperately hungry and utterlyfilthykiss.
"Hold on to something,darlin'," Ethan whispered in Jakob's ear when he'd finally released him. "This bronc's about to buck."
Then those powerful hands gripped Jakob's hips tight, lifting Jakob so high that it felt as if Ethan's cock might nearly slip free; before he pulled Jakob back against him in one smooth thrust, the movement slow, yet powerful and — holy fuck —deep;dragging incandescent fire along Jakob's prostate the entire way and punching out a long, drawn-out wail from him that seemed as if it started in Jakob's toes only to end somewhere in the stars above.
"Again," he whimpered. "Please."
Ethan didn't need to be asked twice, hands urging him up again before guiding Jakob to impale himself on Ethan's cock once more. This time, the angle wasn't quite as good — until Jakob leaned forward a little and then —
"Oh, fuck,Ethan— "
"There?" Ethan panted, his voice deep and intent. "Try small rocks. See how that suits you."
Jakob nodded, head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut as he chased that sensation, shifting into an almost grinding motion that aimed Ethan's cockexactlywhere he needed it.
"Yeah.Feelsgood," Jakob assured him, though it didn't tell even half the story.
The musky, heady scent of them together was filling his nose, the sound of their ragged panting loud in the quiet of the room. All punctuated with the slick noises of skin on skin as Ethan slid in and out of him, obscene and delicious. The sensations drove him ever higher; shooting straight from Jakob's ears to his leaking cock, now steadily drooling a thin, clear sort of pre-cum onto Ethan's belly.
Somewhere down the hall, someone was playing their stereo too loud; someone else yelling, though whether from the music or at some video game, there was no telling —
"BOOM!Fuck you in your gay little ass — made you my bitch!"
Stomach dropping, attention snapped to their door; Jakob froze at the shout, the wild laughter that followed. A thin bit of much-dented wood was all that separated him and Ethan from the rest of their floor, the dorm, the world beyond; abruptly filling Jakob with the crawling, burning question of — of if he'dlockedit or — or…
"Shhh, it's locked. I checked," Ethan murmured, as if he could read Jakob's thoughts; his palms smoothing up Jakob's spine.
After all these years together, he probably could.
His forefinger traced gently but firmly along Jakob's jaw. Tugging his attention back to the man whose cock was buried in Jakob's ass.
"Don't mind them. Focus onus, Jakob — on this," Ethan urged with a determined look in his eyes. "I've got ya, darlin'. You just tell me what you need."
"I need, um… Can we swap? Have you on top?" Jakob asked, suddenly needing the security of his best friend between him and — andeverything…
"'Course we can," Ethan answered with a grin. "Anything you want."
It was a bit tricky on the narrow single bed, Jakob unsure whether his hard-on or his ass was currently winning the 'Most Awkward' Award, especially as neither of them were small men. In no time at all, he was on his back once more; a pillow under his ass and Ethan squaring up between his thighs.
He wrapped his ankles behind the small of Ethan's back, letting out a breath as Ethan began pressing in. It was much,mucheasier this time, and soon Ethan was right where he belonged; Jakob sighing rapturously as his body welcomed Ethanhome.
"Fuck, Jakob. The way youfeel," Ethan muttered, gazing down at Jakob with a look like…
Jakob's eyes skittered away, the air leaving his lungs all in a rush, unable to processthatandthisall at the same time. Still, warmth flooded his belly and cheeks both, his mind refusing to abandon the thought altogether.
"Ethan," he pleaded instead; choosing the coward's route as he pulled the man closer with his legs, thighs wrapped tight around Ethan's waist like he might never let him go.
"Oh, if Imust," Ethan chuckled, his hands gripping Jakob's hips with a purpose as he withdrew, then thrust back into Jakob with shallow rocks that —