Page 67 of Go the Long Way
"Mm, but we're so behind," Jakob countered as he slid his hands down the broad expanse of Ethan's well-muscled back before grabbing a double handful ofEthan'sbehind for emphasis.
"Oh yeah? Guess that means we've got some catching up to do then, yeah?" Ethan murmured; kissing the corner of his mouth, then pressing a line of them along Jakob's jaw, as Jakob tilted his head up to give him more room. His hand trailed down Jakob's chest, thumb flicking his nipple as —
"What are you doing?" he asked when Ethan started to shift.
"Getting comfortable," was the simple reply, as Ethan moved to kneel between Jakob's thighs. "What do I need to know about your leg?"
"Can't trust my weight to it long, can't flex it much or too quickly, either. Hope you're not expecting anything athletic today. Sadly, riding you is off the table for at least a while. Feel free to bend meovera table sometime, though," Jakob mused. "That could be pretty good. Otherwise… This position works, plus I get to see your face."
And oh, hell — Ethan was blushing, Jakob's heart fluttering at the sight.
"Your knee?" Jakob asked after he'd gotten himself back under control.
"About a billion surgeries later, as long as you aren't asking me to play anything more intense than some backyard scrimmage on Thanksgiving? I should be alright," Ethan grinned, hand curving around Jakob's ankle as he chewed his lip. "You ever used a swing?"
"Only in my fantasies," Jakob grinned, shoving a pillow under his ass as Ethan helped lift his hips. "Not like I've had anyone beating down my door after the accident, and I didn't have all these restrictions before."
"Might be something worth exploring for the future; help keep the strain off your leg. Pretty fun, too," Ethan mused, before getting a sort of pole-axed expression on his face. "If… If you want. I didn't mean to — to presume — "
"It's a good idea," Jakob assured him, grinning at the thought. "Maybe you'd like to help me find one and set it up? After."
Ethan grinned, that old devilish grin Jakob remembered so well. "After," he agreed, dropping a kiss on Jakob's knee.
Don't youdarego messing this up again, Jakob told himself furiously.
Chapter 30
"Alright, let's get you ready then," Ethan said as he picked up the bottle of lube and slicked up his fingers. "You just relax and I'll take good care of you."
"Know you will," Jakob replied honestly.
"Good," Ethan replied with a soft smile.
The first brush of Ethan's finger had him shuddering, a bolt of pleasure and anticipation rushing through him, his legs falling open in wanton supplication.
"Ohhh,fuck," Jakob hissed, his hands fisting in the bedsheets as Ethan's slicked-up finger slowly pushed inside.
It felt good, better than he remembered. His body was eager, welcoming the intrusion as his nerves lit up, reminding him just how long it had been.
Jakob let his eyes fall closed, savoring the sensations. He could hear his own breathing, and the soft, wet noises that echoed off the bedroom walls. And beneath it, the pounding of his heart, the blood rushing through his veins as Ethan's questing finger searched…
Sucking in a sharp breath, Jakob gasped as stars exploded behind his eyes.
"Yeah?" Ethan asked, wearing a smug grin that made it clear he already knew the answer. Ethan had found Jakob's prostate and then some, and didn't seem inclined to let up now that he did.
"Yeah," Jakob panted in reply.
His vision was glitching out like a TV with a bad antenna as Ethan laughed, leaning in to kiss Jakob's knee.
"More," Jakob demanded, opening his legs even wider, and soon, a second finger started to press inside.
The stretch was welcome, and Jakob arched into it, wanting more, faster.
"Ethan," he whined, his voice low and wrecked.
Opening his eyes, Jakob was treated to the sight of an intense expression on Ethan's face, attention locked on where his fingers disappeared into Jakob's body.
Ethan lifted his head to meet Jakob's gaze, but he didn't slow his fingers; keeping up a steady, tortuously slow rhythm that had a thready keen already welling up in Jakob's throat.