Page 74 of Go the Long Way
…one hestillsaw in his sleep when the dreams got bad…
The sight of Martin's hands gripping the gun. Jakob's own fingers, stark against the black metal as old training kicked in —
…Reach. Seize. Disarm…
So very,veryslow.
The crack of a gunshot —
…the smell of powder in the air…
A yell —
There was someone under him, Jakob's knee in the middle of their back. His hands held their arms in place as they struggled, their face smashed into the ground —
"Dad," she called, her voice strange. Urgent. "What — what do wedo?"
Jakob glanced up to see her face, white as a sheet. Looked around to see her friends were in about the same state. And Alex…
Alex was…
"Call an ambulance," Jakob told her, trying to keep his voice as even as he could. "Tell them… Tell them someone's been shot. That a police detective forced his way into our house and shot an unarmed civilian. Give them our address and stay on the line. Do whatever they say, okay?"
She nodded, but hesitated.
"Cassie — now. You need to dialnow," he told her, trying not to snap but not sure he succeeded. He would apologize later, when —
When —
For now, though, it seemed to do the trick. She gave a sharp nod, pulling out her phone to make the call.
Good girl.
"Alex?" Jakob asked, turning his attention to the teen's near-bloodless face.
Under Jakob, the detective struggled, and Jakob spared a moment to give the squirming detective a vindictive jab with the knee currently pinning him firmly to the ground. He knew his body would make him pay for this abuse later, but he would deal with that when the time came. Right now —
"Where'd he get hit?" Jakob demanded, trying to stay focused, to prioritize; clinging to all his training now with every ounce of his soul.
"Um, in the shoulder, maybe? He's not — I think he's in shock. I'm applying pressure. Is — is that right?" Alex asked from where he had his hoodie pressed tight to Ethan's right shoulder, trying to staunch the bleeding. "Only… Sometimes they put stuff in shows and video games, and it's all just made up. But my dad always said… Uh, my — my dad — "
"Look at me, Alex," Jakob ordered him gently. His heart lurched at the devastated look in Alex’s eyes as he wrenched his gaze up to meet Jakob’s; away from where it had been drifting toward where Alex’s father was pinned under Jakob’s knee.
"You’re doing good," Jakob told him, trying to sound reassuring; like he had a plan. "You got a credit card, something plastic?"
"I —what?" Alex asked, startled.
Liam scrambled away, banging his hip on an end table and nearly flying over the couch as he ran.
The detective struggled under Jakob again, but it seemed to be a feeble effort; to all appearances, almost as if he was giving up.