Page 128 of The Fake Out
He stands, walks over to the bookshelf, and positions the picture at eye-level. When he glances over at me, his mouth tilts and he winks.
“Perfect,” he says.
I could melt right into the couch, I’m so relieved and happy.
A moment later, he drops a small gift into my lap and flops down on the couch beside me, watching me with bright eyes. “Your turn.”
The box is small, barely bigger than my palm, and I tear the wrapping away to reveal a velvet jewelry box.
My pulse takes off at a sprint.
“That better not be a fake engagement ring,” I blurt out, even though I know it isn’t.
I think.
His eyes sharpen and his grin turns feline. “What if it is?”
“Rory.” My face heats and his grin widens.
“You’re so easy to fluster, Hartley.” He tilts his chin at it. “Just open it.”
The velvet is soft under my fingers as I crack it open, and inside are two sparkling stud earrings, stones the color of my eyes. My breath catches, and for a long moment, I just stare at them.
“You hate them.”
“No,” I rush out on a light laugh. “How could I hate them? They’re beautiful.”
There’s a feeling in my chest as I meet his cautious smile—a flipping, turning, rolling as Rory and I look at each other.
“Don’t say it’s too much or too expensive.” His eyes are so soft, like the velvet box in my hand. “I was thinking about you when I saw them, and I like buying things for you and making you happy.” He exhales slowly, eyes still roaming my face. “And you deserve something beautiful.”
It’s so cliche, me falling for a rich guy who loves to buy me things. I’m more evolved than this. I can buy my own damn earrings.
It’s not the cost, though. It’s that he was thinking about me. It’s the gesture, because Rory Miller is turning out to be so fuckingcaringandkindandsweet.
“You were thinking about me?” The corner of my mouth turns up, and I glance down at the earrings again. They really are gorgeous. I’ve never owned jewelry like this, and I’m already terrified I’ll lose them.
“Constantly,” he says, almost reluctantly, like he wishes he didn’t have to tell the truth.
My heart falls out of rhythm, excited and pleased. “These are too pretty to wear.”
“Hartley. Wear those earrings. If you lose one, I’ll buy you another. I’ll buy you ten.”
I snort. I don’t know what that means that he can basically read my mind.
“Try them on.” He settles back against the couch, finally looking at ease in his own home. “Let’s make sure they fit.”
I huff a quiet laugh as I slip the earrings out of the box and put them on. When I turn back to Rory, his eyes warm with affection.
“Gorgeous,” he says in a low voice.
“Pippa has ones like these, I think.” My heart warms at the idea of having earrings that match hers.
“Same stone, different design,” Rory says. “Same jeweler.”
He got the jeweler recommendation from Jamie. He put effort and planning into this.
My stomach flutters and I bite back a smile, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”