Page 162 of The Fake Out
“It’s late,” Ward says, glancing at our joined hands. “Go home.”
We say goodnight and I pull Hazel out of his office. We walk my dad to his car, and he gives me a quick, uncertain hug before climbing into the driver’s side.
Hazel and I watch as he drives away, and she looks up at me with all the love and affection I’ve been searching for my whole life.
“Rory. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, baby.” My chest beats with pride and elation. “Let’s go home.”
I’m exhausted, she’s exhausted, and I intend to keep her in bed for at least twelve hours straight.
She nods, smiling, leaning on me. “Let’s go home.”
The next morning,weak winter sun filters in through the windows of Rory’s bedroom while we lie in bed. I’m lying on him, listening to his heartbeat as his chest rises and falls with his steady breathing.
“Move in with me,” he murmurs as I trail my fingers up and down his flat stomach. The dragon tattoo on his ribs is mostly healed.
I lift my head and look into his crushing blue eyes, a knot of emotion in my throat. “You think?”
He nods.
“It’s soon.” I bite my lip.
“Is it?” A smile quirks up on his mouth. “It doesn’t feel too soon to me.”
I picture myself living here, waking up beside Rory every day. The images are seamless and filled with joy.
“Yeah.” My brow wrinkles. “I guess you’re right.”
Excitement whistles through me as I let my imagination run wild: hosting dinners with our friends and family, curling up on the couch together, sitting in the hot tub on the patio overlooking the city and telling each other about our day.
My gaze comes to him, and I smile. “Okay.”
“Just like that?” His eyes spark with teasing surprise. “Okay? I don’t even need to convince you?”
“Nope.” I grin wider. “I’m in. I’m all in.”
His eyes warm with affection. “Finally.”
My heart squeezes, and I give him a soft kiss.
“Are you sore from yesterday’s game?” I ask.
“A little.”
“Turn over.”
Rory groans as he rolls onto his stomach, and I sit on top of him, kneading up and down his spine, searching for muscle tightness. Between his shoulder blades, the muscles are tense and knotted.
“There.” I dig my thumb into the tight muscle.
His low, tortured groan is muffled by the pillow. “You’re evil.”
“Shut up and take it,” I say, laughing, and I can see him grinning.