Page 46 of The Fake Out
“He was always a sore loser,” Hazel says quietly, and her nose wrinkles.
Fuck, I love that she won. “You’re ruthless.”
She’s smiling up at me, and I could stay right here in this moment forever. “I’m a dragon, aren’t I?” Her eyes linger on mine, teasing me, lighting my blood on fire.
She glances over her shoulder at McKinnon still walking down the hall, before she loops her arm around my neck and hauls my mouth to hers.
A groan rips out of me from deep in my chest as her lips meet mine. Her mouth is hot, soft, so fucking pliant and sweet and giving as I sink into her. My hands frame her jaw, tilting her open more, and when I suck on the tip of her tongue, she makes a startling, needy moaning noise that goes straight to my cock.
Holy shit. Holyfuckingshit. Hartley’s kissing me and there’s not a soul around to see.
“Fuckinghell, Hartley,” I rasp between kisses. “You kiss like a fucking champ.”
Her laugh is light and breathy against my skin, and I nip her bottom lip, watching the way her eyelashes flutter.
“So do you,” she gasps, and I take her mouth again.
While I’m tasting her over and over again like I won’t get another chance, my hand drifts over her, touching the sheer fabric, ghosting my fingers over her throat, her collarbone, the swells of her breasts.
Lower. Over those teasing arcs of fabric covering her cleavage. She shivers as I skim over the seam, pausing in the dip between her breasts. She arches toward me, and something pleased and smug twists deep inside me.
“Oh my god.”
Her words are a desperate whisper, and I like to think she’d whisper those words exactly that way in the seconds before I make her come. Making her react like this feels like victory. She pretends to hate me, but she’s pushing against me for more. It’s supposed to be fake, but she’s the one who kissed me.
God, she’s so sweet. So hot and slick and needy, and I’m fucking dying here, cock straining in my pants as I taste every inch of her mouth.
“It’s taking every ounce of my control not to bend you over and fuck you right now.” My voice is hoarse as I lean my forehead against hers, taking a deep breath.
She blinks up at me with a swollen mouth and a hot, glazed look to her eyes that makes me even harder, and I run my thumb over her bottom lip. Her eyelashes flutter again, and I feel a sharp pulse of need.
“And if we don’t stop, I might just do that.”
She tenses before she backs up a step, pulling out of my touch. She blinks, clearing whatever lust I saw in her eyes. “This is fake. I don’t know why I did that.”
I sink, remembering what she said in the gym when we set the terms. Don’t catch feelings.
“Yeah.” I nod stupidly.
She looks away. “Sorry.”
“No. We were just, um.” I clear my throat. “Caught up in the moment. From winning.”
“Yeah.” She nods, playing with her stack of photos. “Exactly.”
I slip my hands in my pockets, searching for my usual swaggering cockiness. If I keep acting like an awkward teenager, she’ll know how much she rattles me.
And for the first time, the prospect of something real with Hartley fucking terrifies me. Watching her walk away would crush me.
“It’s okay, Hartley.” My mouth slides up into a sly grin, and I send her a wink. “I have that effect on women.”
She snorts, and my pulse settles.
“Come on,” she says, mouth tipping up in a cool smile. “The sooner we finish dinner, the sooner you can go home and jerk off to your own reflection.”
And like that, we’re back to normal, the teasing back-and-forth we’ve always had.