Page 54 of The Fake Out
“So, what are we going to do tonight to piss him off?” she asks.
Last night flashes in my head, the way she shrieked with laughter as we ran from Owens. I get an idea.
“Hartley,” I say in a scolding tone, glancing over my shoulder at McKinnon on his bed. “We can’t. I have a roommate.”
“Rory.” Fuck, I love it when we use first names. “What are you doing?”
I widen my eyes at her—play along—and she sighs, still smiling. “Just watch the sex tape we made. It’ll have to do until I get home.”
“Oh my god.” She shakes her head, but her face is going red. “Unbelievable.”
“Alright,” I relent. “I can’t say no to you.” I pick the laptop up and walk to the bathroom, pausing at the door. “You might want to clear out, McKinnon. Hartley and I need some alone time.”
He shoots me a dirty look.
“Uh. Miller? What are we doing?” Hazel asks in my ear.
I close the bathroom door behind me and wiggle my eyebrows at her.FaceTime sex, I mouth.
Her eyes go wide. “You’re kidding.”
I gesture that I’m disconnecting my earbuds, and she presses her mouth into a thin line, holding back her laughter.
“Take your shirt off,” I say loudly while she glares at me, trying not to smile. My pulse picks up. After a beat, I groan. “God, I miss those tits.”
She snorts like she doesn’t believe me, but I point at her. She gives me a franticwhat the fuck?gesture.
Your turn, I mouth.
“Mmm,” she moans with an expression like she’s eating rotten food. “Yeah.” She slaps a hand over her mouth, rolling over with silent laughter as I beam at her.
What was that?I mouth.
She gives me a frantic look, eyes bright.I don’t fucking know.
“Take it all off.” My voice is low and smooth, but loud enough for McKinnon to hear. “Everything. That’s it. Let me see you.”
“Like this?” she says in a breathy voice that soundsnothinglike her. Her face goes pink with embarrassment.
My cock stirs, waking up.
“Yeah.” My voice is thick. “Like that. Exactly like that.”
“And what about this?” Her voice is teasing. Confident. Like she knows exactly what she does to me. “Do you like it when I do this?”
Holy shit.
“Yeah.” What’s she imagining right now? “I do. A lot. You should do it again.” My tongue taps my bottom lip. “And you should touch yourself while you do it.”
Her eyes flare with heat. Thank fuck my lower half isn’t on camera, because I’m fully hard.
“Are you touching yourself for me, baby?” I ask.
“Uh-huh.” Her fingers fiddle with the ends of her hair on camera, but her eyes have this glaze to them that makes me think her mind might be where mine is right now.
“Are you imagining it’s me?”