Page 67 of The Fake Out
Beneath me, his erection pulses, and he lets out a heavy breath. “That is really fucking hot, Hartley.” His throat works, and his warm palms return to my breasts, slipping beneath the cups of my bra to toy with my nipples. When he tugs, I feel it all the way to my pussy.
“Oh my god,” I whisper, leaning forward to kiss him again.
He devours my mouth, tongue sliding against mine, making my head spin. “What were you saying, Hartley?”
Oh. Right. That. “This will be the first and last time we do this.”
He pulls away to look into my eyes. “What?”
“It’s just what I do.” My shrug is easy and casual, even as I’m tight with need. “I only sleep with guys once. It’s easier that way.”
He frowns. “And then what?”
“And then we both move on.”
When I tell people this, they usually look relieved, but Rory’s frown deepens and his hands leave my body. His throat works again as he searches my eyes.
“We should stop,” he says.
The arousal in my blood fizzles out like I’ve been dunked in cold water.
His jaw ticks. “It would complicate things.”
Rejection burns through me. He said he’s been thinking about this for years. He’s slept in my fuckingbed. I kissed him at the team party, but he kissed me back. He said it was hot that I was wearing the lingerie he sent.
He asked me out at the beginning of the season, before the deal.
He’s been chasing me for years, and now he doesn’t want me?
Oh. My stomach sinks. He’s never seen this much of my body before. He’s never touched me like this, felt my tits and stomach and thighs and butt.
Shame whips through me as I climb off him, grab my shirt, and pull it back over my head.
I’m not upset. It’s fake. It’s a deal. It’s not a relationship. Even if the sex would be incredible. Even if I’d come so hard and work to make him come harder than ever.
“You’re right.” I’m channeling the same woman who told Connor she’s dating Rory, the woman with the cool, calm, hardened shell around her. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Just horny, I guess.”
“Hazel,” he starts.
“You should go.” I fold my arms over my chest. “It’s late.”
His eyes flash with something that looks like regret, and when our eyes meet, he looks like he wants to say something, but I take another step back, out of the Rory Miller Danger Zone.
He sits up, wearing a pained expression like I’m killing him. “Hazel.”
“It’s fine, Rory.”
It’s not fine. I’m so fucking embarrassed. I’ve never been flat-out rejected like this, but Rory’s used to hooking up with models and actresses. I get an ugly memory of Connor from years ago, asking me if I’d ever consider breast implants, and my stomach recoils.
“Let’s pretend it never happened.”
Hazel lookslike she wants to sink into the floor as she heads to the front door, and I’m sitting here on her bed, hard as fuck and torn about what to do.
I saidit would complicate things, but I meantonce would never be enough.