Page 15 of Twisted Obsession
As if summoned by the warped desires of my thoughts, Darius eased into the patch of light with such a fluid motion, he could have melted into the darkness and rematerialized before me. Or maybe my brain malfunctioned.
The fridge door was closed, cutting off my only source of air and light.
I gasped.
“Don’t move,” he murmured from the edges of space I couldn’t see with a husky rasp that had zero business muddling my thoughts.
I pressed my lips together and listened to the helpless patter of my heart as he drifted closer. I was about to warn him about the glass when his hands closed around my waist. The unexpected contact stole a shaky breath from my lungs that sounded much too loud and reedy in the silence. The fingers biting skin through the fabric of my top tightened. A heartbeat passed before I was lifted effortlessly. The loss of gravity had me reaching for him. My fingers curled into the warm, taut skin of his shoulders and I held him as he moved me over the destroyedcup. My legs instinctively closed around his hips, a reflex I hadn’t meant but felt so natural, I almost missed the way he stiffened. The hands at my sides had fallen to my backside, his palms hot and firm on my ass cheeks where my shorts had gone up. I was sure that hadn’t been the plan yet there we were, two intertwined bodies hidden by darkness and confusion. I was very aware of the erection cradled against my sensitive mound, the weight and thickness too visible through the thin material of his sweats.
I knew I should get off him, but I couldn’t move. I had dreamt of this moment, of being in his arms again for so fucking long. All I wanted for months was for him to hold me like this when he was finally free. I’d had daydreams of him walking into the room and catching me up into his arms and crushing me close.
But maybe I’d been wrong. Maybe it had only been a kiss, a random spur of the moment mistake that he didn’t even remember. He was Darius Medlock after all. He probably kissed a lot of girls for no reason. Maybe I was the only one who it had mattered to.
“Kami.” I hadn’t realized I was crying until his arms were around me, sliding with weight and purpose across my back, crushing me close. “Fuck, baby, don’t cry.”
I tried to stop. I really tried. I wedged my face into the curve of his neck and squeezed my eyes shut. I held my breath, but that only made it harder, made the gasps louder as I fought not to sob.
He swore again and I felt him move away from the fridge and the broken glass. I wasn’t sure where we were going until I heard the scrape of wood on linoleum. He sat with me still straddling his hips, my legs dangling over the edges of the chair, my arms aggressive bands around his neck.
“Stop,” he murmured softly into my shoulder, his hands moving in soothing circles across my heaving back.
“I’m trying,” I rasped into his neck.
He sighed and held me. He said nothing even when the tremors stopped and I was only sniffling. It wasn’t until I raised my head that he finally broke the silence.
I nodded, swiping across my cheeks and nose with the back of my hands. “I’m sorry.”
“Fuck, Kami, why don’t you ever fucking listen?”
I sniffled and frowned at the anger threading though the gentleness. “What do you mean?”
Rather than respond, he gripped my waist and got me to my feet. He towered over me, a hulking shadow I could barely make out, but I could hear the sharp, guttural inhale that sounded like it was getting shredded through a grater.
“Go. Just … go.”
Baffled, I stared up at where I could only guess his face was. “What did I do?”
“Everything!” he barked at if expecting the question. “You…” with a deep growl, he pushed back, putting too much space between us. “You are the most infuriating woman.”
I opened my mouth to respond, my own tempers prickling, but he cut me off.
“If you speak right now, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” My jaw snapped shut as if willed by some invisible force. “Good,” he muttered at the sound of my teeth clicking closed. “Because God himself wouldn’t have been able to save you from the ass paddling I’ve waited four fucking years to give you.”
I stiffened even as every nerve ending sizzled awake. My backside tingled and I had to work very hard to keep my voice even.
He moved too quickly. His hands were ten fingers of hot steel around my throat. His thumb fixed against my lips, sealing them shut. Something cold and hard slammed into my back hard enough to earn a gasp of surprise.
His fingers flexed between gentle and business and I moaned his name because God help me, I was already going to hell.