Page 18 of Twisted Obsession
“I think we’re getting off topic.”
Kas pitched a packet of Twinkies at the other woman. It hit Lavena’s shoulder.
“See, this is why I said not to freak out!” Lavena cried. “We’re obviously going to go to a professional.”
“Oh, really? A whole professional?”
Lavena narrowed her eyes. “Well, I couldn’t find a half one, Kas. Will you stop being so dramatic?”
“I like it,” I cut in before Kas could retort whatever had her eyes narrowing and her lips pulling thin. “I think it’s a great idea.”
Lavena’s pretty face lit up. “See? Kam’s in. Sash?”
Sasha popped another chip into her mouth and chewed methodically while contemplating her choices. “Sure. Why not as long as Lavena isn’t the one doing the inking.”
Kas rolled her eyes. “Fine, but she’s getting in the chair first and I need to see her get stabbed before I’m getting anything done. My trust is broken.”
“Rude!” Lavena gasped.
“You know what else is rude?” She thrust her palm out at Lavena again. “Five stitches!”
“We should ask Enzo,” Sasha interjected. “He just got a new one the other day and it’s pretty nice.”
Lavena frowned. “The angel?”
Sasha shook her head. “No, it’s a cross with a dagger coming out of the bottom.”
Lavena seemed to think about it a moment before brushing it off with a shrug and returning to the topic. “So, we’re all in agreement? Matching tattoos?”
The vote was unanimous, but we all agreed that we had to choose the design together and all agree on the design.
I didn’t have any tattoos. I wasn’t opposed to the idea, I just hadn’t thought about it. I liked the idea of sharing one with three of the most important people in my life, though, especially for my first one.
I thought of the ones on Darius, the rows of neatly chiseled words. I wished I could have seen them better. Who was to say I would get the chance again? He’d been so clear on keeping me away for my own good. A stupid reason. I wasn’t safe with or without him. At least with him, we were together.
Maybe he just needed time. He’d been locked up for so long with so many bad people that maybe he just needed to get his head straight. I was already prepared to wait as long as necessary for him to get out. What was a little longer if it made him more comfortable?
“Earth to Kam.”
I blinked and focused on the faces watching me.
My cheeks warmed. “Sorry?”
“What are you thinking about so hard over there?” Lavena teased.
“Probably the shipment,” Kas answered for me.
“Maybe she’s thinking about pizza,” Sasha helped.
“We literally just finished eating.” Lavena muttered then stopped and looked at me. “Are you thinking about pizza?”
I started to shake my head when Kas blurted, “Maybe she’s thinking about Bob.”
That sent a ripple of cackles and hoots through the group and a flood of mortification through me.
“Do you still have him?” Sasha poked my bare leg just under the kneecap with a finger.
I flushed and nudged her back with my toe. “I still hate you guys for that.”