Page 23 of Twisted Obsession
It was up to me now how I was going to handle this … handle her. Putting her over my knee occurred to me. Paddling her tight ass until she couldn’t sit right seemed like the perfect solution to such a bold and dangerous taunt.
But I knew if I got her on my knee, her ass within reach, it wasn’t a spanking she’d be getting and that stopped me.
“I’m going to pretend you did not just say that to me,” I said instead, careful to keep my back to her, my eyes fixed on the armchair she’d been sitting in when I’d made the foolish decision to join the group. “Leave, Kami. I’m not going to say it again.”
I counted each beat of my heart, monitoring how long before I could trust myself to move without jumping her.
My eyelids slammed shut as if that single word had the power to spear me straight between the shoulder blades. My resolve wavered, a violent tectonic shift of my fault line taking thefloor out from under me. It crossed my mind that I could have snatched up one of the many reasons she’d handed me to keep her at bay. I could have agreed about her age, her relationship with my sister, the fact that I was convicted and incarcerated for murder, that it had only been one fucking kiss in a different lifetime, and it didn’t still haunt me. The possibilities were endless, yet I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I couldn’t push her away. Now, she’d thrown down the metaphorical gauntlet and I was left to accept the challenge or run like a true coward.
Five years of abstinence won, five years of wanting this damn woman, five years of cold showers and distractions. My body had pivoted on its heels before I could stop it. It swung to face the temptress standing too close for her own good. Little witch didn’t even bat an eye. She stared at me with quiet desperation and a pleading that made me ache inside, and not for the first time, I wondered if she had any idea just how expressive her features were, how easily she could be read. Maybe it was that tiny glitch in her DNA that made her so alluring, so … vulnerable. In a world where every expression was closely monitored and judged for weakness, her lack of walls fascinated me.
The full curve of her bottom lip tucked in between her nibbling teeth, a nervous habit I didn’t think she knew she did, and I hated and thrived in the knowledge that she was uneasy. Her trepidation fueled something in me, a flame that built into an inferno, hot and hungry. It made me want to sink my fingers into the soft skin of her arms and close all that unnecessary space between us.
So, I did.
I ate up the five feet in two strides. I hooked ten fingers into all that lush, glorious hair and I dragged her into me. Her gasp tightened my hold. It sent a molten river of desire crashing through me.
“You asked for this,” I snarled into her upturned face, her parted lips, her wide, dark eyes. “Remember that.” I fisted the silky strands knotted between my fingers just hard enough to coax a whimper from her. “Remember I told you to fucking run. I told you this was a bad idea.”
I kissed her before she could change her mind.
I dominated the soft pillows of her mouth, forcing them apart with my teeth, my tongue invading. She tasted sweet, a mixture of cherries and wine. Her moan vibrated around me, a lusty purr of submission. Her fingers hooked into the material of my top, holding her to me as she went up on her toes. The effort didn’t bring her anywhere close to my height, but it was enough to have my hands drop from her hair and circle her waist. I hoisted her up and her legs immediately swung around my hips.
I took her to the sofa with our lips locked and her entwined around me. Neither of us relinquished our battle or slowed our assault, even when I lowered her amongst the throws and pillows and moved over her.
“Don’t stop,” she panted against my mouth, her fingers fumbling with the hem of my top.
The material was torn up and over my head. It was pitched somewhere out of sight by one of us and I was back to her mouth, her chin, her neck. I made a path across her throat and down into the little hollow with my tongue. Her fingers were in my hair, urging me to keep going and I nearly laughed; crazy girl had no idea nothing short of a nuclear bomb was going to stop me now. Lavena herself could stroll into the room and I was still going to fuck the shit out of Kami. She wasn’t escaping, not now, not until we were both sore and exhausted.
My fingers twisted into the thin straps of her top, my lips over the hot swell of her left breast.
“Last chance, kitten,” I growled, allowing her one final out.
“If you fucking stop, I’ll kill you in your sleep,” she bit out, fingers working on the snaps of her shorts.
With a snarl that sounded nothing like me, I ripped down her top, spilling full, perfect breasts into view. The soft mounds fit snug against my palm, the tips hard, sensitive points. I circled them with my thumb, rolling them lightly and sending Kami bucking under me with a guttural moan. Her hips drove up against mine and I pushed back, grinding the full heat of my arousal into her mound.
“Foreplay next time,” she hissed, thumbs hooking into the waistband of my sweats. “I’m ready. Fuck me!”
Christ, who was this woman?
The shy, little bookworm I’d grown up with was dragging my bottoms over the curve of my ass, demanding and greedy. It was all I could do to keep from coming in my pants.
“Easy, baby,” I breathed. “This will end before it begins if you—”
She had my cock out and in her hands. The heavy weight gave a vicious and violent throb against her palm. I may have whined her name. I couldn’t think past the buzzing in my skull. Everything after that was a blur of ripping clothes and ragged breaths. I had a vague recollection of asking about protection and her giving a response about an IUD, but I couldn’t be sure before I was plunging home.
The world exploded.
Time shuddered to a stop.
Kami cried out, her body a tight, hungry fist around my dick. Her arms and legs clasped around me, a crushing clamp, holding me in place. As if I could move. She hadn’t been kidding about being ready; she was soaked, dripping around me and onto the cushion. I made a mental note to get Mom a new sofa, but that was a different problem for when my brain wasn’t leaking out of my ears.
“Oh my God,” she sobbed into my shoulder, her body giving a brutal shudder beneath me that rippled up my cock.
I squeezed my eyes shut and begged the gods not to embarrass me. Unlike the other men on the cell block, I hadn’t beat my meat every morning in the shower. I hadn’t jerked off in a sock in my bunk. I’d pushed it down and out of my mind every day. It was sheer willpower and determination that kept me from pumping five years’ worth of cum into Kami’s welcoming heat.