Page 56 of Twisted Obsession
Kas smirked at me. “We’ve been calling you for like twenty minutes—”
“Like a second,” Sasha argued and was ignored.
“Where have you been this whole weekend? You seem so preoccupied.”
“She’s probably worried about her precious delivery,” Lavena protested for me.
It was weak and cowardly, but I latched onto the excuse and agreed she was right.
“You’re okay though?”
Kas eyeballed me with lawyer eyes, and I had to steel myself to answer with a weak nod and a muttered, “Yeah, fine.”
“You know what isn’t fine?” Sasha interrupted. “Tomorrow. Tomorrow is not fine. I am not looking forward to going back. I don’t want to go back. In fact, I think we should just run away.”
I agreed.
Just run.
Go somewhere far, far away and live on the beach somewhere with no responsibilities or heartache.
“And go where?” Kas asked.
“Anywhere.” Lavena laughed. “We can literally go anywhere. Between my contacts and Sasha’s, we can change our names and literally disappear forever.”
“I could never do that to Suki. She would be heartbroken.”
“Bring her along,” Sasha cheered. “Your baby sister is our baby sister. She’d love the adventure.”
Kas snorted a laugh. “The girl is scared of her own shadow. Adventures are limited to brief walks through open fields because parks have too many people and hiding places. Don’t even get me started on fairs.”
“You know what I think she needs, a girl’s shopping spree,” Lavena decided. “We’ll start slow,” she said quickly when Kas opened her mouth. “We’ll get some lunch somewhere very open. Then we’ll just wander around downtown, window shopping until she sees a store she likes and go from there.”
Kas shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t know why she’s like that. Mom sneezed the other day and she actually wet herself. Suki, not my mom.”
Concern bubbled up in my chest as I edged forward. “Have your parents taken her to see someone? That doesn’t sound like she’s just a little jumpy.”
“Yeah, that’s actually a little concerning,” Sasha agreed.
“How’s she doing at school?” Lavena cut in, features hard and careful. I knew that look. It was the look just before something was set on fire or someone was about to get a piece of her mind.
Kas waved the hand holding the wine glass. “She says it’s fine.”
“Kids being nice to her?” Lavena pressed.
Kas shot the blonde a raised eyebrow. “She’s going to Carlton. Were the kids nice when we were there?”
Lavena was silent a long moment, blue eyes fixed on the lake as she took sips of her drink. “You know, I think I’m going to visitthe old torture dungeon. See what’s changed. Maybe drop in and visit Suki. Haven’t seen that little twirp in a hot minute. I miss her paintings.”
“Lavena…” Kas began.
Lavena cut a sharp, level gaze towards her. “What?”
Kas sighed. “What are you going to do?”
Lavena blinked. “What do you mean? I literally just told you.”