Page 36 of His Own Heaven
“Black, please.”
Toby poured her a cup and handed it to her, watched her mouth form a pretty pout as she blew on it, then took a sip. Her eyes rolled back as she swallowed it down, and she moaned, the sound one of pure decadence.
“That’s really good coffee,” she said. “Thank you.” Then she passed the cup back and wriggled in her seat, pressing her thighs together and avoiding his gaze.
“Is there a problem?”
Lucy fidgeted again. “No. Not really,” she said. “I can hold it.”
“Hold it?” Toby shared a look with his twin, identical grins mirrored in their expressions. “Baby, do you need to pee?”
She threw him a pained expression, then nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“And you didn’t go upstairs because…?”
Pained turned to peevish, and her hands fisted in her lap. “Because you told me to come downstairsexactlyas I was, and exactly as I was included a full bladder. So yes, I need to pee.”
Never in his forty years of living had Toby felt so triumphant. So jubilant. So dominant. And yet to all outward appearances, he knew he looked like a man who was completely at peace. Because he was that too.
“You’re perfect,” he said, smiling down at her.
She raised one brow. “I’m really not.”
“Up,” he said, chuckling. “On your feet.” Then he led her through the kitchen to the laundry and downstairs bathroom.
Lucy stared up at him, her gaze cautious. “You’re not going to watch… right?”
For a split second, he thought about teasing her, but the way she was hopping from one foot to the other told him he didn’t have time. The woman really needed to pee. He shook his head. “No. And there’s a lock on the doo—”
He didn’t even finish speaking before she’d slammed the door in his face and engaged the lock. Two minutes later, Lucy reappeared looking sheepish as she walked to the sink to wash her hands.
“I’m sorry I shut the door on you, Sir.”
Damn, he liked it when she called him Sir.
It made his dick twitch and his balls ache with the need to bend her over the breakfast table and fuck his way into her. “I’ll let it slide. This time,” he said, lightly slapping her arse and enjoying her little gasp of surprise. “Now come here.”
This time when she clenched her thighs together, Toby knew it was for a whole other reason than needing to relieve herself.
Grabbing a washcloth off the laundry bench, he ran it under warm water, then rang it out. “I’m very glad you decided to stay,” he said, washing his dried come off her breasts. “It saves me the hassle of kidnapping you and tying you to my bed.”
Lucy laughed. “That’s me. Hassle free.”
His mouth twitch up at one corner. “You think I’m kidding?”
“No, but I thought you said you couldn’t make that decision for me.”
He shrugged. “Let’s call it plan B.”
Grinning, Lucy added, “I also think I missed an awesome opportunity to play another round of catch by not coming downstairs dressed and ready to go.”
Toby laughed, then bent his head to kiss his woman. Yes,hiswoman. Fuck it. He was conceding defeat. Not that he’d fought very hard. Lucy had been his from the moment he’d met her. He just hadn’t realised it then.
He rinsed the cloth again, then got down on one knee.
“Lift your foot onto my thigh. Open up for me.”
The laughter dropped from Lucy’s face, panic darkening her eyes. “You shouldn’t be kneeling for me.” She shook her head.