Page 29 of The Viking Blues
“You know they don’t look like this in real life, yeah? It’s just the bra earning its hefty price-tag.”
“I actually don’t know that,” he said, finally looking her in the eye and flashing that sexy half-grin of his. “But maybe you’ll show me later?”
Mirroring his grin, she took a chance and slid her hands over his chest.Faaark. His body truly was solid muscle. She pressed her thighs together and tried not to squirm as an image of Ollie naked, on his knees and sexing her up flooded her mind. “It’s not like you’ve never seen me naked before.”
“True, but it’s been such a long time, and my memory isn’t what it used to be.” He traced one finger along the edge of the V and over the curve of her breast.
The touch was so light, so intimate.
Anticipation skittered over her skin causing her to shiver, and she sucked in a shaky breath. Then she slid her hands higher, looped one around his neck, grabbed his braid. Wrapped it around her fist and pulled. Ollie’s deep groan was music to her ears, and her pussy clenched in response.
“Be a good boy and maybe I’ll refresh your memory,” she purred, then released his hair and smoothed her hands over his shirtfront, straightened his collar. “Now, where are we going on our date. And if you say we’re going to the pub, this date ends now.”
“Oh, ye of little faith,” he replied. “Rest assured, I have procured a private little spot where we can talk and be alone and just enjoy the evening and each other.”
Narrowing her eyes, she said, “Sounds promising.”
“Truly, your faith in me is overwhelming,” he said drily, then took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “Shall we?”
Ten minutes later they were pulling into the driveway of Someday. Mia turned to Oliver from the passenger seat, confusion pinching her forehead. “A private spot, huh?”
“Best damn views in town,” he replied, winking.
“And what are we supposed to eat?” The only food in the house was the tea, honey and lemons he’d left for her when he’d found her dad’s flask.
“It’s all taken care of, sweetling. Trust me.”
Ollie hopped out of the car then ran around to the other side to help Mia out. “You okay with the stairs, or would you like me carry you?”
The work they’d done in the forge after lunch had put strain on her back and leg, but she didn’t want to complain. She’d had fun helping Ollie like she used to, she just hadn’t remembered it being so much hard work, or taking such a toll on her body. Still, she was hurting, and knew if she tried walking up those stairs unaided, the date would end really fast.
“Carry me, please.”
“As you wish,” he murmured against her lips as he swept her into his arms.
When they reached the top, he didn’t put her down, but rather he followed the veranda around to the back of the house, to the place she’d stood that morning as she’d sipped her tea and contemplated her future.
But the spot was no longer empty.
An assortment of glass jars filled with flickering candles lined the space, giving it a delicate glow, and a table was set with linen, glasses and cutlery.What the…?Oliver put Mia back on her feet, then held out a chair for her.
Taking her seat, she said, “Ollie, when did you do all this?”
It couldn’t have been in the hour between finishing work and collecting her from her room. He might have the body of Superman but she was pretty sure he didn’t have super-speed.
Looking sheepish, he took the other seat, then picked up and rang a little bell she hadn’t noticed sitting on the table. “I may have had some help.”
Within seconds of ringing the bell, the French doors opened and Abby and Wolf appeared, carrying two bowls of creamy pasta, a plate of thickly cut fresh bread, and an ice bucket holding a bottle of champagne.
“Wow, that’s a lot of carbs,” she murmured as Abby put the food on the table, then swallowed thickly as saliva filled her mouth.Geez, any moment now she was going to start drooling like a Saint Bernard, because wouldn’t that be sexy? But the bacon carbonara smelled so fucking good.
Wolf opened the champagne and filled two glasses. “Do you require anything else?”
Ollie deferred to her. “Mia?”
Without moving her gaze from Ollie’s, she shook her head. “No. I think we have everything we need.” To Abby and Wolf, she added, “Thank you.”
Abby laid her hand on her brother’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Have a good night,” she said quietly, her smile filling up her face.