Page 40 of The Viking Blues
“Thank God,” Charlie muttered under his breath, then added, “Speaking of which, are you two ready to go?”
“While they’re doing that,” Lucy said, “could we look at Someday? I’d like to see these million dollar views for myself, if that’s okay?”
“Absolutely,” Mia said. “We can head over now if you like. Toby can check out the garden, I’ll show you the views and Charlie can meet us there later. And hey, if you like what you see, we could arrange to have some of your wedding photos taken there too.”
Ollie took Mia’s hand and smiled at her, his smug grin replaced by an expression of what looked suspiciously like contentment. She felt it too, the ease of which she’d slipped back into this life she’d left behind, as though she’d never left in the first place.
When they arrived at Someday, Toby and Ollie headed straight around to the back of the house to where the bulk of the gardenia bushes grew, while she pointed out to Lucy some of the improvements she wanted to make. Like the possibility of lowering the house and adding the accessibility ramp.
“And will the retreat just be for veterans?” Lucy asked.
Mia rubbed her leg as she got out of the car. Going down on Ollie in the shower had aggravated something and the dull ache that came and went was back again. Oliver had noticed her limping before they’d left the house and insisted she take her walking stick.
“That was the plan, why?”
“I come from a family of firefighters. I was just thinking it would be awesome for emergency services personnel too.”
“That’s not a bad idea, actually,” Mia said, nodding. “Definitely something to think about, anyway. I do know one thing though, I don’t want to turn the place into one of those corporate retreats full of CEO douchebags, you know?”
“I hear that,” Lucy agreed with a snort of laughter, then shaded her eyes with her hand and looked towards the road. “Who’s that?”
Mia turned in time to see Greg Wheeler hop out of his car and stroll up her driveway, looking even more smug than he had the day before. She didn’t have time for this man or his mission, and she wasn’t beating around the bush about it anymore.
“Oh for fuck’s sake. Why are you here, Mr Wheeler? I’ve already told you I’m not interested in selling my house. Please leave.”
But the smarmy prick didn’t give up. “You will sell to me, Miss Caldwell, and I’m going to tell you why,” he said with a broad smile that reminded Mia of a demented clown.
“Oh my God,” she groaned in an exaggerated display of boredom. “I couldn’t give two shits why you think I should sell you my home. And how the fuck do you know my name? No. You know what? I don’t care.”
Turning her back on him, Mia moved towards the stairs, hoping the patronising fuck-knuckle in the suit would take the hint and bugger off before he saw her struggle to climb the damn things.
She should be so lucky.
“I know a lot of things about you, Mia.”
Hearing this cretin say her name made her skin crawl. “Like what?”
“Like you’ll never be able to look after a property of this size on a military pension. And certainly not with your limited physical capabilities,” he said, his voice dripping with fake concern as he gestured to her walking stick. “Selling to me is the only smart option. Be smart, Mia.”
She laughed low and slow and shook her head.Is this idiot for real?She held up her walking stick, making a show of its beautiful brass handle. “Tell me, Mr Wheeler, do you know why my walking stick has this shiny metal knob on the end of it?”
The man frowned at her like she was nuts. “What does tha—”
“It’s so you don’t get an infection when I shove it up your arse,” Mia snarled, cutting him off like a pro. Lord knew she’d had enough men demonstrate the action to her over the years. Beside her, Lucy snorted and held up her fist. Mia bumped it.
“Now listen here—”
“No. You listen. From the moment you walked ontomyproperty, you have questioned my integrity, my capabilities, and my intelligence, so let me make myself crystal clear. I amneverselling you my house. Never. So why don’t you get back in your clown car and fuck the hell off before I’m forced to buy a new walking stick.”
The realtor flicked his gaze from Mia to Lucy, outright shock painted across his overly tanned face. If he was looking for a softer target, he wouldn’t find one. Lucy folded her arms over her chest. “Don’t look at me, mate. I’m an ex-fiery. You wanna see what I can do with an axe?”
When the idiot still didn’t make a move to leave—obviously too shocked to put one foot in front of the other after being threatened by not one but two women who were over his shit—Mia strode towards him and made him move. He practically ran back to his car and sped off down the street.
When she turned back to the house, however, she realised it wasn’t her he’d run from. Toby and Oliver Bennett, two of the biggest men in the country, stood with their arms folded over their chests and scowls etched so deeply into their expressions, Mia feared they’d never get them out.
“You okay, love?” Ollie.
“Baby, you good?” Toby.