Page 36 of This Time Around
“I’m not going to marry you just so you’ll have sex with me,” she said, and he could practically hear her rolling her eyes at him. “Your dick isn’t that spectacular.”
“Firstly, my dickisthat spectacular. And secondly, I don’t want you to marry me just for the sex.”
“Well I don’t want you to marry me just because I’m pregnant.”
Ah.So that’s what this is all about.“Oh, Janie,” Rafe sighed, pressing another kiss to her shoulder. “You’re so much smarter that.”
Chapter Eight
Jane’s alarm went off at four, a shrill beeping sound she was guaranteed not to sleep through.
Nor would anyone else sleeping nearby, as she discovered when a very grumpy Rafe blindly swung his arm around looking for the button that would shut it down.
“Faaark,” he growled. “Where is the bloody thing? Janie?”
“It’s here,” she said, snickering. “I’ve got it.”
Jane slid her finger over the screen of her smartphone, silencing the alarm, then checked her weather app and read her emails. And wanted to scream.
Within seconds, the bedside lamp was on and Rafe was sitting bolt upright, suddenly very awake and staring down at her with concern.
“What is it? What’s wrong? Are you going to be sick?”
His hand went immediately to her belly, settling so gently over her baby bump she almost forgot to breathe.
So protective.
She’d also forgotten how unbelievably sexy he looked when he’d just woken up. With those bedroom eyes and a bit of scruff on his chin, his strong, naked torso on full display and his new bad-boy hair cut begging her to run her fingers through the short soft strands….
She forgot what she was going to say.
Her mouth flapped open and shut a few times before her brain kicked back into gear and she remembered how to form sentences again.
“No, not sick. I got an email from my boss at the catering company in Brisbane,” she said, dragging her eyes away from his muscled chest and focussing on his stern face. “She’s already hired someone to replace me on the weekend roster.”
“Oh,” Rafe said, as if it wasn’t a big deal, and flopped back on his pillow. “Is that all?”
Dropping her gaze back to the phone in her hand, she sighed heavily. “Damn it,” Jane muttered quietly as she read through the particulars of the email again.Sorry to disappoint you… if you’d only contacted me earlier… will let you know if something comes up… blah, blah, blah.
Fabulous. “This is a problem for me, Rafe.”
“What’s the big deal?” He yawned and stretched his long body, his huge feet catching in the sheet and dragging it down, revealing his morning hard-on to her desiring gaze. “You still have the job at the patisserie.”
“The big deal is that I’ll never be able to save enough money in time with only one job,” she said, her mouth watering at the sight of his tented pyjama pants.
So. Fucking. Horny.
Stupid hormones.
His gaze narrowed under a furrowed brow. “Enough money for what?”
“To move out of my parents’ house before the baby comes.”
“And why is that so important? Wouldn’t it be better to stay somewhere with people who care for you, people who can help out with the baby?”
If she didn’t know Rafe so well, she might have missed the hint of calculation in his voice, but she’d been around him her entire life and knew there was very little the man left to chance. He was probably already figuring out how to solve her problems for her.