Page 1 of Size Doesn't Matter
“He’ll be here.”
Sophie Bennett gritted her teeth against the thumping strains of the dance music vibrating through the floor of the ballroom and into her feet, working their way through her body until they reached her brain and shook it, slamming it against the front of her skull, contributing to the dull ache that had formed there before she’d even arrived at the stupid party.
She was distracted, and while she’d heard Anna speak, her brain was having trouble comprehending what she’d said. “What?”
“I said, he’ll be here.”
Glancing at her phone for the tenth time in as many minutes, Sophie sighed wearily, her shoulders slumping with resignation. “It’s a quarter to twelve, Anna,” she said, raising her voice against the music. “He’snotcoming, and I’m tired of waiting. Besides, my feet are killing me. I’m going to bed.”
Anna tilted her head to one side and lifted a brow. “How could your feet possibly be sore? You’re wearing ballet flats. Unlike me who stupidly worethesemonstrosities.” She stuck out her foot, showing off her gold leather ankle boots with the lattice detailing and deadly four-inch stiletto heel.
Sophie had always loved those boots, even if she could never wear them herself. “But they’re very cute monstrosities,” she said, trying not to laugh at her friend’s pained expression.
And yeah, okay, so her feet weren’t killing her, not when compared to Anna’s, but usually when she said some body part or other was hurting, Anna put up less of a fight and let Sophie go without argument. But the way her best friend was eyeing her with obvious mistrust meant she wasn’t getting away with it this time.
With both feet firmly back on the floor, she said, “Nope. Nice try, babe, but you can’t go yet.”
“Anna, I really am tired,” Sophie groaned. “And I have that video conference with my agent tomorrow. I need my beauty sleep.”
Her friend snorted. “You’re already beautiful, babe, and that meeting isn’t until after lunch. You could sleep the morning away and still show up on time. Bonus, you don’t even have to wear pants.”
Sophie pressed her lips together, flattening them into a thin line in the hopes of repressing her heavy sigh. “I don’t even know why I’m here.”
“Because it’s New Year’s Eve, and we’re here to have fun.”
That wasn’t even remotely what Sophie had meant, but explaining to her best friend that the on-again, off-again fling she’d been having with Australia’s premier playboy was heading towards off again took more energy than she could muster.
“Come on, Soph,” Anna pleaded, taking her hands in hers and giving them a light squeeze. “Ethan is probably just waiting to make a grand entrance at the last minute. You know that’s his signature move.”
“Last minute,” she muttered. “Like an afterthought.”
Her friend stared at her, concern swirling in her pale green eyes. “Please stay. It’s almost midnight. And hey, if you’re worried about not having someone to kiss when the clock counts down,” she added, waggling her eyebrows and grinning, “I’ve got you covered.”
Sophie pursed her lips but couldn’t restrain the laughter that bubbled out of her. “Fine,” she said, shaking her head at Anna’s antics. “I’ll give him five more minutes.”
Anna grinned and grabbed two fresh drinks from a passing waiter, handing one to Sophie. “That’s the spirit.”
“But I’m not making any promises, Anna, kiss or no kiss. If Ethan doesn’t get here soon, I’m leaving.”
“Fair enough. But… you’ll see,” she said, distracted by whatever it was she saw over Sophie’s shoulder. “Something wonderful is going to happen tonight. I can feel it.”
Following Anna’s gaze, Sophie turned to watch a young man rip his shirt off, revealing a body of washboard abs and a plethora of tattoos to a crowd of squealing women.
Ten years ago, she would have been one of those women. Hell, ten years ago she would have been the one rippinghershirt off.
Now she just rolled her eyes and refocussed her attention on her friend, one eyebrow cocked and a small grin lifting her lips. “Wonderful.” When Anna didn’t say anything else, she added, “A little young for you, isn’t he?”
Anna’s taste in men usually ran to the more mature variety.
Her bestie grinned back. “A little. He’s pretty to look at, though.” She sipped her drink. “What was I saying? Oh yeah. No way is Ethan missing his own party.”
Sophie’s grin slipped into a forced smile. She didn’t blame Anna for thinking the best of Ethan. The man was adept at making people see only what he wanted them to. But Sophie knew better. She’d seen the man behind the curtain, had seen the mess he hid from the world.
Which begged the question, why was she still entertaining the idea of being with such a self-absorbed arsehole?
She wasn’t that lonely.