Page 22 of Midnight Sanctuary
“I-is there any news… about Polly?” I venture.
Nikolai shakes his head gently. “Not yet.” He meets my gaze for a second. “But don’t worry: if anyone can find Polly, it’s Uri.”
Just like the rest of what he’s said, I have to believe that, too.
The only alternative is madness.
I’ve been pulling at different threads for hours now. Each one comes up empty. Each call leaves me with more worry than reassurance.
I’ve pored over the names of the men who are a frequent part of the skin auctions. All of them are rich and powerful. And each one has their own perversions.
There’s a Belgian with a taste of sadomasochism. A Czech who loves to share his purchases with all his soldiers. An American who experiments with bestiality.
Monsters, one and all.
And my fourteen-year-old sister is at the center of their web.
I’ve got my men scouring every little pocket of the city, trying to get whatever information they can about upcoming transactions. But the private ones are still shrouded behind a thick veil of secrecy. Every time I try to penetrate it, the trail disappears altogether, leaving me grasping at smoke and half-formed rumors.
The fact that I haven’t slept properly in over forty-eight hours isn’t helping matters.
My head feels heavy. So does my chest. Sometimes, when I blink, I see Polly, stripped and strung up like a piece of meat for all those depraved animals to leer at.
“Fuck,” I mutter to my empty office. “FUCK!”
Every damn second that ticks by is another second I’m losing to those beasts. What if she’s already been put up for sale? What if she’s already gone? What if someone lecherous fuck has his hands on her right now?
I get to the point where I feel as though poking my eyeballs out is the only option left. It’s been a few hours since Nikolai left and as much as we butt heads sometimes, his presence has been calming. Especially when I’m spiraling.
And I’mdefinitelyspiraling.
I snatch up my phone and dial. He answers quickly. “Nikolai?”
“Uri? Fucking hell, man, are you okay?”
“Of course I’m okay. What kind of question is that?”
“You sound drunk.”
My jaw clenches. “I’mnot.”
“I take it you haven’t slept yet then.”
Why did I want to call him again?I start pacing between the door and the window. It’s beginning to get lighter outside which means I’ve stayed awake through yet another night. “Any leads?”
“Not since the last time you called me… twenty-four minutes ago.”
Has it only been that long? In my head, it’s been countless hours. “There has to be something, Niko,” I snarl. “I saw the bastard’s eyes when I mentioned his loved ones. He’s got someone out there that he cares about. A child. A parent. A sibling. A woman. We’ve got to find out who.”
“I’m working on it, Uri.” Nikolai’s voice is uncharacteristically gentle. “Trust me: I’m looking. But I need you to go to sleep.”
Doesn’t he get it? Sleeping would be a betrayal to Polly. What kind of sorry excuse for a brother would snooze while his little sister rots in the hands of the beasts of the underworld?
“I will—”