Page 39 of Midnight Sanctuary
“U-Uri… ahh.”
Her eyes clamp shut and her lips part. I’m desperate to lean in, take a bite out of that plump lip. But I know if I kiss her…
I’m never going to stop.
She lets me keep going. We stare, her at me and me at her, our breath caught in our throats and the air around us getting hotter and hotter and Alyssa’s pussy getting wetter and wetter and tighter and tighter around my fingers. Her lips are spreading, her pupils blowing wide open. I can smell her desire and feel every ounce of blood pumping into my cock as we both ride the wave higher and higher and higher still.
I wait until she’s right at the pinnacle of orgasm—before I rip my hand out of those neon green bottoms. Alyssa’s eyes startle open, surprise written all over her face.
“Not today, littlenarushitel,” I snarl. “You don’t get to win today.”
Then I spin around and walk away before I have to eat my own words.
I’ll give him this: no one does humiliation quite like Uri Bugrov.
I stand there in my bikini and gaze stupidly at the empty space he just vacated a moment ago. I’m trying to catch my breath and get my bearings, while also tryingnotto feel like a complete fool.
I’m losing on all three counts.
You don’t get to win today,he spat in my face. What does winning or losing have to do with any of this? It figures that Uri would assume that I’m playing some sort of game. That my attempts to comfort and take care of him were misconstrued as a ploy to seduce him. He just isn’t used to people being nice to him without a reason, without some ulterior motive or the other—probably becausehedoesn’t do nice things without getting something in return.
Then again, Ididhave an ulterior motive, didn’t I?
But mine was simple.
I just wanted him tolookat me.
I pull my robe tighter around my torso and look around to see if anyone saw what just happened. I hate that he’s made me feel so self-conscious about my body, about myself. The neon green bikini that made me feel so sexy and alive this morning looks cheap and trashy in the wake of his scorn.
But right on the heels of that shame comes anger.
Where doesheget off not trustingme?He’sthe one who locked me in his basement and refused to let me go! I’ve almost certainly lost my freelance gig at the magazine. I’vedefinitelymissed my best friend’s wedding. My parents are probably either pissed off or scared shitless that they haven’t heard from me in an alarmingly long time.
And after all that, he expectsmytrust?
Get. Fucking. Real.
I storm off towards the basement. I don’t want the bright sunlight of the pool deck anymore. What I want is a dark, quiet place to lick my wounds and take stock of all my poor life decisions.
Mistake number one was buying those damn sex toys. If I hadn’t gotten so giggly about a purple tentacle dildo, none of this would’ve ever happened.
Mistake number two—thinking that cosplaying as a freaking ninja-slash-Seal-Team-Six-memberwas a good idea.
I rip off my mesh cover-up the moment I get down to the basement and fling it to the floor like a petulant little brat having a temper tantrum—which, truth be told, isn’t that far off the mark. I’m reaching back to undo my top ties when something strikes me.
What if Uri is watching?
Almost as soon as I have the thought, something inside me snaps.Let him watch. Let him stare at my naked body and lie to himself about wanting it.
I get a delicious sense of satisfaction in imagining Uri sitting at his desk in the office, watching me on the screen. He was hard last night and he was hard this morning when he had his fingers inside of me.
He may get off on torturing me by denying me pleasure…
But two can play at that game.