Page 57 of Midnight Sanctuary
“It means that you have your own family now. Anewfamily. And maybe that means your old family falls a little lower on the totem pole.”
I amthisclose to putting those brass knuckles on my own hand and beating my brother to a pulp. “Say that again. I dare you.”
“It’s the truth.”
“I’m notyou, Nikolai. I’ve always been able to concentrate on two things at the same time. I can take care of Alyssa and still look for Polly.”
“If that’s the case, then why thefuckhaven’t we found her yet?!”
“You’re blaming me?”
“As you love to keep reminding me,youare the fuckingpahkan. Which means whatever happens or doesn’t happen isyourfault. The fact that Polly was taken isyourfault. The fact that she still hasn’t been found isyour—”
“I’m warning you, Nikolai: stop right there or—”
“—I mean, for God’s sake, it’s like you don’t even care that she’s missing anymore!”
He should have stopped when I told him to.
I grab him by the throat and bang him against the closed back door. He slams into the tired wood so hard that the whole foundation rattles. It’s intensely satisfying having him under my thrall. So, just to get my point across a little clearer, I whack him back against the door a second time. He strikes the base of his skull and hisses in pain.
Good.Maybe that’ll knock some sense into him.
Apparently not, though, because he tries to fight back. I block his fist twice before I unleash a punch of my own. Unlike him, I find my mark.
I beat him to the ground just like I used to when we were kids. When he tries to get up, I kick him back down and put my boot on his chest.
“Stay down, Nikolai,” I hiss. “Stay the fuck down.”
He growls up at me but the defeat is evident in his face. He stops struggling, his hands falling onto the ground on either side of him.
“You know that I would do anything for Polly. Don’t youdarequestion my love for her again. Or my dedication to finding her and bringing her back home safely.”
I remove my boot and Nikolai gasps for air. I walk to the door before turning back to glance at Nikolai, who’s still sprawled and panting on the floor.
“Oh, and one more thing: fuck you for ever doubting me. I won’t forget that.”
Then I slam the door in his face.
The smell of roasting meat and cheese hits my nostrils the moment I step out of my room. Chef must be preparing something deliciously on Uri’s orders, because the house has never smelled this good.
I follow my nose to the kitchen but stop short when I see the army of candles standing sentinel around the breakfast nook. Fresh flowers bloom in every corner and the overheard lighting has been dimmed to a romantic glow.
“Uh… Uri?”
He pops around the corner, wearing a black apron that readsKiss the Cook. Not a bad idea, actually. If his face and apron weren’t enough of an invitation, the ladle in his hand definitely is.
“Did you cook?”
“Thought I’d give the kitchen staff the night off and make you something myself.”
“Is that… chicken parmesan I’m smelling?”
“Nothing gets past you, does it,narushitel?”