Page 45 of Midnight Purgatory
“There’s nothing to say. Just work stuff. I may have exaggerated slightly in the text.”
“You never exaggerate.”
“No, I don’t.” I sigh. “But there’s a first time for everything.”
Like locking an infuriating littlekiskain my basement with a purple dildo and all the time in the world to use it.
She sighs. “You need to take time for yourself, too, you know. You can’t look after all of us all the time. You’ll burn out.”
I grit my teeth. “I’m fine. Tell me about school.”
She answers me with another pointed sigh melodramatic enough to match my own. “School’s fine. We dissected frogs today in biology.”
She giggles. “Dissecting frogs is gross but dissecting people is fine?”
I freeze for a moment, before I realize that there’s no way she knows about the finger. She’s only fourteen. Smart as a whip, but a child nonetheless. Nikolai and I have tried too damn hard to shield her from the more unsavory parts of our lives—but you wouldn’t believe how much a kid notices, especially when she’s not supposed to.
“We do nothing of the sort.”
“Sure, sure.” I can practically see her disbelieving eye roll. “And Lev is fine?”
“He’s sleeping in my bed as we speak.”
“Told you the upstairs room wouldn’t take.”
“No one likes a smart ass, Pol.”
She laughs. “Okay, you’re in a mood, so I’m gonna hang up now. It’s way past curfew and I have an early track practice tomorrow. See you this weekend.”
Shit.In all the chaos, I completely forgot that Polly was going to be coming home on weekends this semester. I check my watch. It’s Thursday. Fucking hell—there’s no chance this mess is cleaned up in time.
“Yes, see you this weekend. Oh, and one more thing—”
“Yes,everyone in school is treating me well,” she interrupts, beating me to the punch. I smirk. I usually end our conversations with that question. “Don’t order a hit on anyone, mmkay?”
“You’ll let me know if that changes?”
“Goodnight,big brother.”
All I hear is a cranky “ugh” before she hangs up.
My smile disappears the moment I drop my phone. Lev is one thing, but Polly? She notices everything and she can smell a secret a mile away. And this particular secret isn’t a mile away at all.
It’s right below our feet. In my basement, with a box full of sex toys.
Uri Bugrov may be hotter, taller, and richer than the average man, but in the end, he’s no different.
He breaks his promises just like the rest of them.
Not that he had technically promised to visit more often, but considering he’d apologized for having been a no-show the entire day, he made me think that he would work to correct it.