Page 74 of Midnight Purgatory
“The girl has nothing to do with it. I would never let anyone distract me from protecting Lev or Polina.”
Nikolai doesn’t say anything but he does purse his lips up in a way that makes me want to take a punch at his face.
“If anything else comes up, let me know,” I snarl before turning for the door.
Nikolai doesn’t stop me. I march straight to my car where it’s parked at the base of his sloping driveway. I put the Ferrari into reverse and rip out through his bronzed gates. It’s a two-minute drive to my estate, but I make a left instead of a right and dive into the adjoining neighborhood where the closest pharmacy is.
The woman at the counter doesn’t look up at me until I’m standing right in front of her. When she does, her eyes nearly bug out of her head. “Whoa!” she gasps. Her cheeks go bright pink, but it’s not nearly as endearing as it is when Alyssa blushes. “Y-you’re tall.”
She’s in her early thirties or so. Curly blonde hair, deep green eyes. A few weeks ago, I would have flirted, asked for her name, perhaps invited her to dinner. But right now, I have no desire to do any of those things.
I tell myself it’s because I have a pill to purchase and I’ve already left it too late.
I tell myself it has nothing to do with Alyssa.
“Plan B pill, please.”
“Oh. Er, of course.”
She scrambles to the back wall and hikes up a little stepladder to grab me a Plan B box. My eyes pass over her ass. She’s fit and attractive. And yet… I feel nothing.
No interest. No attraction. Not the slightest bit of craving.
“Here you go, sir.”
I pay and head back to my car. I can see the woman craning her head towards the windows as I drive away.
I don’t look back.
When I arrive at the estate, my first instinct is to go check on Alyssa and then Lev. But with Nikolai’s words still ringing in my ears, I go to Lev first.
He’s in the basement, playing his games. He doesn’t stop when I open the door. “Hey, buddy, how was physical therapy?”
“What did you do after?”
“Did you run into Alyssa after George left?”
Fucking hell, it’s like pulling teeth today.
“Did you have dinner with her?”
I grit my teeth. “What did you guys talk about?”
“Lev, can you pause that game while I’m talking to you?”
Lev’s eyes veer to me for a moment and his jaw tightens. “No.”
His body has started rocking slightly, so I sigh and leave. “Fine. I’ll leave you then. Go to bed soon, okay?”