Page 39 of Love’s Redemption
“Get your hands off him!” Theo shouted, forcing the man between him and Daniel away while glaring at the other as he situated himself between his mate and Troy.
Troy’s eyes flashed red again before he brought himself under control, throwing his head back and laughing long and loud. “Now that’s the fire I want to see tonight in the ring.”
With Troy’s booming laughter, much of the tightly wound tension in the room picked itself up and skipped away. Everyone relaxed. Jay chuckled and Theo joined in, shaking his head, and then meeting Mr. Troy’s gaze full-on. “You got it. I’m ready.”
Troy clapped his hands together. “That’s what I want to hear.” He addressed Jay next. “You looking to fight, too.”
“No, sir. I left my fighting days behind me.”
“Big, strong guy like you. I’m surprised. You’d be a prime candidate for my ring. I could bill you as ‘The Boy Next Door.’” Troy mimicked forming a picture frame around Jay’s face with his hands.
“I’ll think about it. For the moment, I’m here to support my friend.”
“You do that.”
Walt burst in and shouted at them to clear out. Encountering Troy’s glare of annoyance, he stopped mid-rant. “Sorry, Mr. Troy, I didn’t see you there, but I’ve got to finish getting Theo ready.”
The demon settled, seeming to shrink in size. “You do that, Walt. I want my boy to win.”
My boy?A white-hot burst of anger flared in the center of Daniel’s chest. Theo turned to face Daniel, slipping between him and Troy, blocking his view of his boss. “And you thought I was possessive,” his angel whispered, touching Daniel’s jaw with gentle fingertips.
“What are you talking about?” he whispered back.
“You growled.” Theo grinned as he placed a light kiss on the corner of Daniel’s mouth. When the angel’s eyes narrowed, Daniel wanted to brush the grooves of his forehead smooth. “Will you stand ringside again for me? Your presence provides me with motivation.”
“Not strength?” Daniel touched the spot Theo had kissed.
Theo shook his head, lips quirked, straightening to his full height. “I have my faith in Him for that.”
“Good point. Give ‘em Hell, Theo.”
“I will.” Theo gave Daniel a lingering touch on his cheek before heading for Walt, who waited with the ridiculous silk robe as if this was some multi-million dollar, pay-per-view match.
As he watched Theo make his final preparations, Daniel touched his cheek and then the corner of his mouth again. His angel kissed… him…
He stepped back, then stepped back again until his back hit the wall.
“You’re an angel. What’s to live for?”
“You.”Theo had gazed into Daniel’s eyes.“I am yours.”
“Me? I’m nothing.”Daniel had stared hard at Theo, not quite understanding what he was talking about.
Theo had shook his head, denying Daniel’s statement, his gaze unwavering, and said,“You’re everything. You are mine, and I am yours. Go now and remember that.”
Well, he surely remembered now. It hadn’t been just any angel kissing him last night and again just now; it had been his angel.
Jay sidled up beside him and helped him prop up the wall. “Theo’s tattoo is impressive. I’m kind of shocked Father would be so bold.”
Daniel hummed noncommittally, unsure if Jay expected him to reply. He agreed, though. It was impressive, especially if the man in front with the black wings was supposed to represent him because he wasn’t… a demon. He’d done bad things, evil things forced upon him by first Mr. March and then Mr. Troy. However, he’d also tried to help where he could, playing mediator and negotiator in an effort to aid those his bosses preyed upon.
Was it those kinder interactions that had caught God’s eye? If they were, he didn’t feel like he did enough to deserve help in defeating the demon. Yet, somehow it was… To also be on the receiving end of such an amazing gift as Theo? Yeah, no. He didn’t think so. Still, he’d keep trying. He silently vowed to work every day to be a man worthy of one of God’s angels.
Theo kept one eye on Daniel as he let Walt check over his hand wraps. His mate’s expressions flitted from surprise to confusion, and then on to shock and awe. The final one sent a wave of content flooding his emotions.Resolution.Daniel’s expression had hardened; he probably didn’t even realize that his hand had curled into a fist and pressed over his heart. As Daniel’s head bowed as if swearing fidelity, Theo breathed a silent prayer of thanks to The One Most High.
“Let’s go,” Walt ordered, leading the way out of the room and into the hall. They traversed in a straight line. Walt, Theo, and Daniel. Jay brought up the rear, acting like a bodyguard for his beloved.