Page 23 of Thon
“You disobeyed me.” Thon bites the inside of his cheek. He hadn’t intended to bring it up so soon—not while they are still recovering from the attack—but the words come out of him unbidden. “I told you to turn back.”
“I don’t have to obey you,” Krista counters without heat. She’s much too exhausted for wrath. “That wasn’t part of the bargain.”
Two quick paces and he’s right behind the Human female, seizing her narrow shoulder and turning her, perhaps a bit rougher than he intended. “Throwing yourself into a fight for me was not part of the bargain, either,” Thon grits out. “You have no training in combat. What possessed you to do that?”
“You needed help,” Krista tosses back, her hands balling into fists at her sides. Maybe she isn’t so depleted after all. “I wasn’t just going to stand there and stare at you while you died.”
“My brothers would have honored the bargain. There was no need to risk—”
Krista yanks him down and slams their mouths together, fistfuls of his hair balled up in her hands. The dull ache in Thon’s scalp goes straight to Thon’s cock and his hands leap up to pull Krista against him. She comes to him eagerly, unfolding along his body like a feline. Her soft breasts drag against his chest as he lifts her, never breaking the seal on their lips as her legs twine around him. She gasps into his mouth, maybe pain and maybe pleasure, but she doesn’t pull away. Those soft hands cup Thon’s face, petting his scarred cheek like she’s fascinated by the texture.
Opening his mouth for her deepens the kiss. Krista sucks his tongue into her mouth, nipping at it with her teeth and coaxing a small grunt from him.
“Fuck me,” she pulls back long enough to say.
“Now,”she demands, rubbing herself against him in a way that lights up every single nerve ending he has. The tip of his cock is out again, making a mess of his pants as it spurts lubricant into them.
“Your ribs—”
“What ribs?” Krista pants. “Nobody cares about ribs.”
Thon’s arms tighten around her compulsively. “If I put my cock in you now, it will swell,” he warns, torn in two agonizing directions by desire and caution. He’s being stupid, this could hurt Krista. It could turn her off of him forever, but it hurts, oh how it hurts. “It will be quick, though. Not hours. I’m too—I’m—”
“Put it in.” Krista’s voice wavers, but it isn’t fear. Not at all. When she draws back to look him in the face, Thon sees the same merciless need in her that he feels in himself. They just survived something together. They saved each other from death and there is too much inside of them now. “Thon, put it in me. Please. Please, I want it to swell.”
Growling, Thon goes to his knees and takes the small Human with him. Whether she knows it or not, she knowsexactlywhat to say to get Thon’s blood surging furiously in his veins. He thought he was aroused before. Pulling her close to taste the shell of her ear, he murmurs, “Remember that you asked.”
And he lays her down.
Kristacan’tgetoutof her dress quickly enough. First of all, it’s disgusting and heavy with mud. Second, it’s between her and her Harkurian, which is unacceptable. She thrashes a bit trying to get it over her head, unsexy, but effective.
“Tell me again,” Thon rumbles, his voice doing thisthingthat makes Krista tingle all the way down to her toes. “Tell me that you want it.”
“Take your fucking pants off,” it’s Krista’s turn to growl. She has little patience for her underthings, shoving them over her hips and nearly kicking Thon in the face in her haste to get rid of them. She braces a foot on his chest and pushes off, giving him the space to maneuver. “This vagina won’t fill itself.”
She rubs her fingers over her wet entrance while she waits, watching Thon’s rapid progression towards spontaneous combustion as his fingers fly over his laces and push the leather down. He isn’t much more careful with them than Krista was with hers.
“Now you have the right idea,” she purrs. The crown of his cock has slipped out on its own, a thick pearl of liquid already beading at the slit.
“You couldn’t even wait until your pants were off, huh?” Krista parts her thighs for him, giving him a good look at his target. She even reaches between her legs to spread herself apart, opening herself to his gaze. He doesnotneed the extra incentive.
Thon says something in Harkurian—something familiar, but unknown to her. Krista thinks it’s a rude word, but she doesn’t care enough to ask right now as he falls between her legs and covers her with his body, fumbling for his cock with the hand that isn’t holding him up. Finding his face, Krista aligns their mouths in a brief, filthy kiss, all tongues and teeth.
“In,” she says when he raises his eyes to hers. It’s all the permission he needs.
Taking Thon is easier this time. Maybe it’s because they have already done it once, very recently. Maybe Krista's muscles still remember the blissful stretch of his cock. Or maybe she is so aroused and so empty that her body just grabs him and drags him in. Whatever the reason, Krista’s insides part for him eagerly, taking every inch until Thon bottoms out, his pebbled length fully seated in her. He’s already twitching powerfully, coating her with that natural lubricant she’s learning to appreciate for more than one reason.
“Krista,” he says hoarsely. “I can’t keep it from—”
“Then don’t.” Wiggling her hips makes both of them groan, and a deep shudder passes through the body atop hers. “Breed me prop—” A shallow thrust cuts her off. Thon barely pulls out, but those swollen nodes along his length drag against her as he moves, wracking Krista with a wave of pleasure so intense that she thinks it's an orgasm. It isn’t. Holy shit, itisn’t. The second thrust pulls a moan from her, and her body convulses, so close to the edge already and her clit barely touched. The third thrust hurls her right over, and she cries out as her pussy clenches around Thon, feeling him this close to her after seeing what he can do in a fight, huge and lethal andhers.
Thon was right about the swelling. It happens quickly once Krista begins to come on his cock. Almost immediately, really. Thon pants softly in her ear as he starts to fill her, turning his head to press their foreheads together. It begins as a steady pressure, the impossible stretch of more girth where none should fit. The Harkurian flexes his hips once, ensuring that they are pressed firmly together, but nothing else will go in. His pelvis grinds against Krista’s sensitized clit, driving another hard spike of electricity through her groin. She squeezes her eyes shut and chases the sensation, smoothing her hands down the hard curve of his back as she arches up into him. Her ribs protest, but the rest of her body sings.