Page 35 of Skye
I don’t want to spend all my time apologising for his actions.
“I’m sorry for what they did,” I say, “but I didn’t have anything to do with that.”
“You fucking cunt,” she snarls, stepping towards me as if she intends to inflict damage.
I brace, preparing to fight. As tired and worn down as I am, I will defend myself.
I don’t need to worry, though. Rage pulls me behind him, blocking her from me with his body.
“Back off, Heidi.” Rage’s warning would be enough to scare most people, but Heidi doesn’t even flinch. She does stop though, her jaw locking.
“You’re really fine with having Richardson’s fucking daughter here?”
“I don’t give a fuck who her dad is, and you keep speaking like that, we’re gonna have a fuckin’ problem.”
This situation is getting out of hand, and it needs to be diffused quickly to avoid anything worse happening.
“Rage, it’s okay,” I assure him, rubbing his arm and trying to calm him.
“No, it’s not,” he says, keeping me firmly behind him as if he expects Heidi to attack me at any moment. “You’re here because the club wants you here. She doesn’t get to have a vote on that, and if she has a problem, she needs to take it up with Howler.”
“Mara died because of her cunt father. That little baby in there is fucking parentless because losing her mother drove her father to insanity. You want me to pretend I’m okay with Sophia breathing the same fucking air as her? I won’t. She’s a fucking bit—”
“That’s enough.” Another voice joins, and I twist to see a long-haired man standing off to one side. Like Rage, he’s wearing a vest, and he’s huge… scary huge. Rage called him Hawk. I’ve seen him before, but I’ve not dealt with him. In truth, I’ve only really spoke to Rage and a couple of young guys who wear prospect patches on their vests.
“You’re really okay with this?” Heidi demands of him, disbelief lacing her words.
“Ain’t my place to question it, and it sure as fuck ain’t yours.”
The air is statically charged as those words hang between us. I don’t want to cause issues, but I’m also not going to allow this woman to push me out. I need to be here. I don’t have anywhere else to go.
But this is not my fight to get into, so I say nothing and let them talk it out between them.
Heidi’s expression is murderous as she glances between me and Hawk.
“Her father killed Jade.”
Hawk flinches as if she struck him, and I see his pain before he manages to hide it again. “Don’t go there,” he hisses.
“The truth won’t go away just because Rage is fucking her.”
Rage steps towards her, and I tighten my hold on his arm, stopping him. Surprisingly, he lets me, but he doesn’t let it go at that. “Shut your fucking mouth.”
“Go inside, Heidi,” Hawk orders.
She huffs out a breath, shaking her head. “You’re all deluded. She’s a Richardson. Stay away from Sophia or I’ll kill you myself.”
She gives one final glare at me before she turns around, storming to the door and slamming it behind her as she goes inside. The windows rattle with the force, and Hawk grits his teeth as he stares after her.
“You okay?” Rage asks me, but I’m stuck on the fact Heidi thinks I’m capable of hurting a baby.
“Oh, I’m fine,” I say. “As usual, my father’s reputation causes me nothing but trouble.” I turn to Hawk. “I’m sorry about your friend. If there’s anything I can do…”
He shakes his head, dropping his hands to his hips. “You didn’t kill her, Skye. She died because I took my eye off her and didn’t do my job to keep her safe.”
I don’t believe that for a second, but I don’t argue with him. Hawk doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who appreciates being pushed. “I’m still sorry. It’s hard losing someone.”
I know that first-hand. I lost my mother, and although Tommy isn’t dead, he might as well be. He’s so far outside my reach now, and I worry that his need for revenge is going to end with him taking a bullet from a gun fired by one of the men in this club.