Page 7 of Skye
“Richardson is unhinged,” Brewer points out, not helping the case I’m trying to make. “I wouldn’t put anything past him.”
“She told me her father would likely kill her if he sees her again.”
“Why?” Socket questions.
“I don’t know.” I never asked because I’d freaked and run out the room like a fucking baby. “She said she ran away and her father dragged her home and locked her up.”
There’s silence for a beat as everyone takes in that information.
“You believe her?” Terror sounds sceptical and I don’t blame him for that.
My shoulders shift. “I don’t know what she’d gain from lying. She ain’t exactly hardened in a way I’d expect her to be if she were in the life.”
Skye is the opposite. Yeah, she has fire, but the moment she was pushed, she’d crumbled. It doesn’t align with her fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with Richardson.
“Even if we keep her here, how the fuck are we meant to discover if she’s working for him?” Terror’s words settle over the room like a heavy shroud. It’s a good point, and one I don’t see an answer to.
“If she were a guy, we’d…extractthat information from her.” Brewer rubs the back of his neck, and my anger flares at the suggestion.
“She’s fuckin’ pregnant,” I snap. “Ain’t no one torturing her.”
“That’s not what I was suggesting,” Brewer counters with a wince.
“No one is going to lay a finger on her,” Howler agrees. “Not while she’s carrying.”
I don’t know why, but that doesn’t give me a warm feeling.
“So, what the fuckdowe do with her?” Hawk doesn’t look at me as he asks this.
My thoughts are turbulent and chaotic as I listen to my brothers discussing the mother of my child like she’s disposable. I shouldn’t care, she’s Richardson’s daughter, but I feel responsible for both her and her impact on the club.
“She my responsibility,” I say. “I’ll do whatever is necessary.”
“You’ve already done enough.”
I would have preferred Hawk to hit me than say that. It’s a blow to my chest that sends a wave of pain through me. I should take it, it’s deserved, but it stokes the fire inside me. “I didn’t do shit. I met a girl in a bar and fucked her. I didn’t know who the hell she was. This wasn’t part of some grand plan. She didn’t know who I was either.”
“How can you be sure of that?”
I grit my teeth. I understand his anger, his accusation, but fuck, it pisses me off. “When I left, there was a moment where she followed me outside. She saw me putting my kutte on. Her reaction told me everything, Hawk. She was fucking terrified. I don’t believe she knew who I was.”
“Wait a fucking minute…” Blackjack sits forwards. “Why was your kutte off?”
Oh fuck.This is a can of worms I absolutely do not want to open. I glance at Howler, who is watching me intently.
“Crank’s orders. No one moves around the city wearin’ colours. I was told it’s to protect brothers from being killed by Pioneers.”
“Fuckin’ cowards,” Socket mutters.
“I argued, believe me, I did, but that’s just how they do shit down there. They wouldn’t let me leave the clubhouse without removing it.”
“Ain’t it time to deal with fucking Crank?” Hawk demands.
“Way past time,” Howler agrees, “and he will be dealt with, Hawk. I give you my word.”
That seems to calm the brother, and he sinks back into his seat.
“This is all fascinating,” Terror says, “and Crank is a fuckin’ cunt, but it still doesn’t answer our immediate problem. What do we do with this girl?”