Page 81 of Skye
I try not to let my feelings seep out as we’re called into the room. It’s dark, other than a dim light on the wall casting an ambient glow that is just enough to be able to navigate the space without risk of falling over.
The sonographer asks Skye to lie on the bed and pull down her pants. She folds her leggings down to just above where I know her pubic hair starts, but she has to remove her top, leaving her lying there just in her bra.
If I see the tech look at her tits, I swear I’ll rearrange his face.
As if sensing where my mind has gone, Skye grabs my hand, pulling me towards her head. She looks so vulnerable lying on the bed, and when the technician squirts a clear jellylike liquid on her belly, I hold my breath.
There are so many conflicting thoughts running through my mind, so many emotions, but when he presses that probe against her belly and the whooshing sound of a heartbeat fills the room, my world stills.
Skye squeezes my hand so tight, it feels like she’s going to break my fingers. Indescribable joy floods my body, sending happy signals through my brain.
“That’s our baby,” I murmur, hardly believing what I’m hearing.
A tear falls down Skye’s cheek, and I can only imagine the relief she’s feeling at hearing our baby’s heart thumping away. So much has happened to her in the past twelve weeks, so much that must have left her wondering and worrying about the baby nestled deep within her.
“And here is your baby,” the technician says as he turns the screen towards us. The sonogram image moves and flickers as he presses the probe to different spots until a little shape appears.
There’re no words for the feelings I experience as I stare at that image. I scrub my free hand over my jaw before I lift our joined hands and kiss Skye’s knuckles. She doesn’t realise it, but she gave me the ultimate gift with this baby. She made me believe I could break the chains of my past. She made me believe that I could be better than my parents.
The guy does some shit on the screen, measuring the length of the baby, as I lean down and run my hand over Skye’s hair, completely overwhelmed and overcome.
“It’s really real now,” she says, not moving to wipe her tears.
If we were alone, I’d mount this bed and sink my cock into her warm heat. The need to be inside her is consuming as I press a kiss to her mouth.
The rest of the appointment passes in a blur. When the technician is done, he must get the vibe that I don’t want him to touch Skye because he hands me a stack of paper towels so I can clean the jelly off her stomach.
I help her into her sweater and guide her off the bed. Her legs are wobbly, and mine are too. There’s not much in this life that has rendered me speechless, but seeing our baby does that.
As we head out into the waiting room, the two prospects follow us, keeping a distance behind to give us some privacy.
“I wish we could have found out the sex,” she says, swinging our joined hands back and forth as we walk.
“Thought you knew it was a girl.”
She smiles. “Well, I have a fifty-fifty chance of being right.”
“Do you care either way?”
She shakes her head. “Boy or girl, it doesn’t matter to me, but I do feel like she’s a girl.”
As we reach the car, I unlock the doors with the fob and wait while she gets inside before moving around the bonnet and getting in the driver seat.
The two prospects climb in the back again, and Skye twists in her seat to turn to them. “Do you want to see the sonogram?”
She doesn’t wait for their answer, handing Ralph the printout. “That thing’s a baby?” He turns the image on the side, as if trying to see where it is.
I glance in the rearview mirror. “Yeah, it’s a fucking baby. You need your eyes tested?”
Skye glares at me, and I force my gaze back to the road as I pull out the hospital entrance, merging with the traffic. My heart thumps continuously in my chest, drowning out whatever she says to the guys in the back.
I turn down a side street, wanting to avoid the traffic building around the main route we have to take back to the clubhouse. Sitting in traffic doesn’t seem like a good idea. The last thing we want to be is sitting ducks.
As we pass a side street, movement catches my attention, but my brain doesn’t register what it is until a car slams into the side of us.
My whole body is thrown forwards with the impact as the screech of metal screams in my ears. Pain explodes through my skull as I bounce off the steering wheel, the taste of blood filling my mouth.
It’s over just as fast as it happened, and in the silence of the car, all I can hear is ringing in my ears. I blink, but everything remains hazy around me. I can’t focus on anything but my own laboured breathing. Something drips into my eyes, and when I lift my hand, which feels detached and weird, to push it away, my fingers come away bloody.