Page 91 of Skye
“I don’t want to lose my baby. Please don’t do this.”
She sobs as she says the words, and my chest feels like it’s cracking open. I tip my head back, roaring my rage as I fight to get free.
The girl who brought the doctor in steps to me and slaps me so hard, my teeth push against the soft tissue in my cheek. I taste blood as my vision splinters again.
Fucking cunt.
I lift my head, eyeballing her, and a hundred scenarios run through my head of how I’m going to end her fucking life. “I’m going to kill you first,” I promise, and it’s one I fully intend to keep.
She laughs, folding her arms over her chest as if she doesn’t believe a word I say. She’s not the first person to underestimate me, and I don’t care what it takes, I’m getting out of this fucking chair.
“You wouldn’t be the first to try.” She grabs my chin, forcing me to look at what is happening to Skye. “Pay attention. You wouldn’t want to miss anything.”
Talking to this psychotic bitch, I miss half of what is said between the doctor and Skye, just catching the tail end of the conversation. “…stage she’s at, we would normally do a vacuum aspiration.”
The doctor’s words are slow as he speaks, and I hear the horror in them.
“Stop this. Please, Tommy, if you ever loved me, don’t do this. I want my baby. I’ll do anything. Please don’t take her from me.” Her words are hard to understand as she sobs big, ugly heaves, and it breaks me.
“I thought I was doing an abortion on someone who wanted one.” The doctor sounds disturbed. “I can’t do it to someone who is unwilling—”
He stops talking as the little psycho bitch presses a knife against his throat. I tug at my wrist bindings, feeling them loosen slightly but not enough to free my hands.
“You understand who you’re saying no to?” She trails the knife along his carotid and across the other side, pressing just hard enough to leave a thin line of blood behind. “If you don’t do it, you become surplus to requirements, and you know what happens to things that are no longer needed?”
He lets out a shaky breath, and I have to hand it to him. There is real bravery in him as he says, “The environment isn’t sterile enough. Infection could kill her.”
“Then you better make sure it doesn’t, because if she dies, you die, and I won’t make it pleasant for you.”
The girl pulls the knife away, gesturing with it towards the crate. “Hurry up.”
I see his hands tremble as he sits and opens his bag. There’s a small table at the side of him that he lays out his equipment on. I nearly have my left hand free, the ropes cutting deeply into my skin, but I can’t think or even register the pain in this moment.
“She needs to pull her pants down,” the doctor says, clearing his throat.
The girl moves to do it, almost gleefully, but Tommy stops her with a hand on her chest. She glares up at him, but she does step aside and lets him move to the bed.
I don’t bother with threats, instead focusing on working my wrist free. Even if I get it out, I still won’t be up to move from the chair immediately. I shove that thought away.
One problem at a time.
Tommy leans down, his fingers reaching for her as I get my hand free. Blood rolls down my wrist, dripping off the tips of my fingers, but I don’t care. Already I’m toying with the knot securing my other wrist, ignoring everything else in the room. If I look up and see what is happening, I’ll lose my shit, and I need to focus so I can move quickly.
It’s hard to block out Skye’s cries, and I beg her in my mind to hold on.
A crashing sound splinters my attention. I snap my head up to see the table on its side, all the equipment strewn across the concrete. The good old doctor has moved back and is gripping a scalpel in his hand.
“This is insanity,” he wails, thrusting it in the woman’s direction when she tries to step towards him. She stops, holding her hands up, but her expression suggests she is mocking him. “I’m not doing it. You people are animals.”
I keep working on the knots, even as my gaze slides towards Skye. She’s still dressed, which renews my need to move quicker.
I glance down for a second, just to check where the knot needs to be pulled from, but that’s all it takes.
The woman jumps forwards, slamming the doctor against the wall. Her arm moves back and forth at her side in quick successive motions, and when she steps back, I see the knife in her hand.
The doctor’s eyes widen, his mouth parted in shock as blood seeps through his shirt. His legs give out, and he slides down the wall onto his bottom with a gasp.
Tommy grabs her around the throat, shoving her backwards. “You demented fucking bitch. We needed him.” He grips her wrist, the one holding the knife, and her face morphs into a mask of pain before she’s forced to release her grip.