Page 95 of Skye
I lift my head slightly to look up at him. “The ropes.”
His thumb strokes over my hand, his grip intensifying, as if he’s never going to let me go. “I’m fine.”
I resettle my head against his legs, knowing he is but also needing to acknowledge what he did in that room. “You saved us.”
“I’d fucking die for you.”
I let those words comfort me, understanding for the first time in my life the meaning of being loved. Howler and Hawk get into the front seats, and the rumble of the engine vibrates beneath me.
We survived.
Against all the odds, we’re still here.
Howler turns to say something to Rage, and our eyes meet. There is a range of emotion that flickers through him—anger, pity, remorse maybe. I give him a smile, trying to convey my gratitude that they came for us. Howler clears his throat, shifting his attention back to Rage.
“You guys need anything?”
Rage shakes his head. “How did you find us?”
“Ralph. He got a message out saying you’d been hit. We found the wreckage, but it was already crawling with coppers. Kane Fraser is a good man to be on the right side of. I don’t know what contacts that crazy fucker has, but he knew where you were in less than three hours.”
My brows draw together. As for being found, being able to save ourselves had only been possible because of my sister’s family, a sister I didn’t know existed until recently.
“What happened to Tommy?” The question slips from my lips before I can stop it.
The feelings of love and affection that I always had for him are buried deep beneath my hate and anger. I had no idea I had such a vengeful streak, but every inch of my body vibrates with the need to destroy him completely for what he did.
“No one survived,” Hawk says, and it scares me how relieved I am to hear this. I never believed I could be capable of wishing Tommy dead, but my loyalties no longer lie with him. Him breathing is a threat to me, to the man I love, and to my child.
“Good,” I say, letting my eyes drift shut.
My body feels boneless, rung out, and there’s nothing I can do to stop the exhaustion pulling me under.
The movement is what wakes me. I blink my eyes open, realising I’m no longer in the car but being laid down in our bed back in the clubhouse.
Rage bends down to press a kiss to my hair before he straightens again. “The doc is on his way.” The way he looks at me, as if he’s scared to take his eyes off me in case something happens, makes my pulse flutter.
“Thank you.” I snuggle down into the pillows, still bone tired.
“I know you don’t feel like it, but we need to shower.” He takes my hands in his, turning them over to look at the blood staining my palms. I’m not sure if it’s mine or his.
I let him help me off the bed and into the bathroom, where he undresses me like I’m a child before stripping naked himself. Once the water temperature is all right, he pushes us both under the stream. I close my eyes as the spray heats my cold body, and I do as I’m instructed while Rage sluices the blood from my skin and his own.
When we’re done, he wraps me in a towel and leads me back into the bedroom. He dries every inch of me and helps me dress in pair of sleep shorts and one of his T-shirts.
I settle onto the bed, watching him as he dries himself and dresses in a pair of jogging bottoms and a T-shirt. When he’s finished, he climbs into the bed next to me, pulling me against his chest. I press my ear over his heart, listening to the frantic beats as he holds me.
He kisses my temple, as if he needs to have his lips on my skin as much as possible. I let him do whatever he needs in order to feel okay with everything that transpired. I can’t imagine how terrified, how helpless he must’ve felt tied to that chair, unable to move. Tommy wanted to torture him, and he knew exactly how to do it. He didn’t need to raise a hand. As we discovered in that room, there are worse things than being hit or hurt. The threat of losing someone who means everything to you is the worst punishment anyone can endure.
“We’re okay,” I assure him, but I’m not sure how true that is. What happened in that room will stay with us both for a long time.
I don’t know how long we lie in each other’s arms, but eventually, there’s a knock on the door. Rage slides out from under me, and I notice he grabs a knife from his bedside table before going to the door. I sit up, pushing my hair out of my face as he opens the door.
When he realises it’s the doctor who came to see me after Trick’s attack, he relaxes and steps back to allow him entrance. The doctor glances at the knife before lifting his eyes to look at Rage then over to me.
If he has any opinion on this, he keeps it to himself as he comes to the edge of the bed. “Who am I looking at first?”
“Her,” Rage says before I can get a word out.