Page 136 of Exiled
Instead, I found Nolan waiting for me outside his bungalow with a familiar backpack and a smirk.
As it would turn out, despite his jokes, hewasserious yesterday when he said he thought he could help me with my assignment for therapy. But he’s being frustratingly hush-hush about whatever it is he has planned.
Which brings us here…
“Anyway…as I was saying.” I pause. Nerves threaten to steal what I have to say next. But I power on. “You just seem, I don’t know….” I huff, shaking my head. “Lighter.”Dr. Maddock said the same thing about me…
But I don’t tell him that.
Frowning, I stare off in thought. A prickle of awareness scratching at the back of my mind. Now it’s just all warning blares andAlert, Alert, Alert,rather than fireworks.
Knocking our shoulders together, Nolan pulls me from my thoughts. “It’s all the orgasms. We’re practically floating.”
I chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck. “Yeah, probably.” I hear the change in my tone even to my own ears.
Fortunately, Nolan either ignores it or doesn’t notice.
“Come on,” he says, brushing past me to lead the way.
Whereas last time, we had to crouch to enter through the wide, but low entrance, this time we have to turn sideways, but at least the ceiling is well above our heads.
“Is this safe?” I find myself whispering as I follow him inside.
“Yeah. See that green flag over there?” he says pointing to a ribbon flapping around a stick against the far wall. “It means someone inspected it and cleared it.”
I frown, darting nervous glances around the narrow, almost tunnel-like structure. Definitely no room to lay down and get frisky in here.
My ass clenches, throbbing, remembering I’m still likely out of commission, if Nolan has anything to say about it.
Even more of a pity.
Despite the ache, I can’t wait for more.
Maybe later…
“Really? Who?” I say distractedly, reminding myself to focus.
All thoughts of jumping his bones forgotten, I snap my head forward. I can barely make out his figure, it’s so dark in here.
I think he shrugs. “I had a lot of time to kill and restless energy to burn when I first got here, so I explored much of the surrounding woods and caves,” he explains.
There’s a clicking, and then light. Turning toward me, he holds a plastic BIC lighter between us, the flame flickering, bathing the cave in dancing shadows. But at least I can see him now.
His phone never recovered, despite having soaked it for a couple days in some dry rice he managed to get from the kitchen staff. He hasn’t seemed too put out about it at least, and reminded me he can just use the front desk to check in with Mel.
“Where’d you get that?” I wonder.
“From a guy.”
I scowl. “What guy?”
He arches me a look. “Jealous?”
I know he’s just teasing, but my skin flashes hot and I have to look away before he sees.