Page 151 of Exiled
The path comes to an end, opening up into the gravel road. I glance both ways before jogging across, ensuring I don’t get run over by one of the staff on their golf carts.
I’m a few minutes early, so I head for the side entrance instead to wait in the foyer by the elevator for Skyler.
“Hey, Nolan,” a soft, feminine voice rings out.
Turning my head on instinct, my steps slow when I see Katlyn, one of the receptionists who minds the front desk, coming around the corner of the building.
I give her a nod. “Hey.”
“Was just coming down to find you. You’ve got a phone call.” She says with a smile, eyes twinkling with some unnamed emotion. I get the sudden feeling like she knows something I don’t, and I feel my pulse quicken.
It’s not the first time I’ve gotten a call at the front desk. With my phone out of commission, it’s the only way for Mel to reach me. She offered to have a new cellphone shipped out to me, but at the time I was still so mad at her, and then even more mad when I asked if that meant I could finally talk to Abby—FaceTime her—and Mel changed the subject.
Pissed off, I told her to forget it—forget even calling—I’d see her when I got out.
That was two weeks ago.
Despite my wariness, I can’t help but feel a small niggle of hope.
Casting one last look at the side door, I debate just telling Katlyn to forget it—I’ll give her a ring tomorrow—when her next words stop me.
“I really think you’re going to want to take this one.”
My gaze swings to hers. “Is it…” My voice trails as worst-case scenarios flood my mind.
Something happened. Something bad.
I start shaking my head, panic surging forward, taking me off guard with how quick it steals my breath, but Katlyn’s eyes widen and she holds her hands up, quick to reassure me.
“It’s nothing bad. Promise.” With a sweep of her hand, she urges me to follow her, and I find my feet moving before my brain has a chance to catch up.
Just before we enter through the front doors, I pause, casting a look over my shoulder in the direction of where I was originally headed.
To Skyler.
My mouth thins, my chest growing uncomfortably tight.
I’ll just meet him in the restaurant, as planned, when I’m done.
He’ll understand if I’m a little late.
Katlyn leads me to the one of the private rooms they have reserved for phone calls with the outside world. “Just press 1 when you’re ready,” she instructs me, but I’m already nodding, because I know this.
Clearing my throat, I take a seat in the squeaky desk chair, scooting it up to where there’s a small corner desk. The door closes behind Katlyn, taking the noise from the hall with it. Not that it was even that loud, but compared to this room, it’s as if all the sound has been vacuumed out, leaving nothing but the sound of my shaky breaths.
I bring it up to my ears and blink a couple times.
I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s probably just Mel again. It’ll be the same ol’ song and dance, and I’ll hang up, pretend it didn’t happen, and go lose myself in Skyler instead.
In his smile.
In his shy, darting glances.
In his touch…
I’ll live in the moment, and pretend nothing else outside of us exists.
My palms are sweating, my throat thick. I wipe my hand on my jeans and reach for the black handset, the coiled cord snaking across the table.