Page 159 of Exiled
I can’t stop, because if I do, then it’s all over, and I’ll never have this again.
Forget the ocean—let me drown in him.
Engrave me in his bones.
Bury me in his veins.
Let me live as I died—ashis.
“Inside,” he grits out, sitting up abruptly, pushing me up with him. His thick arms wrap around me, and he gives me no choice but to tip my head back as he drags his hot open mouth down my neck. “Need inside you.”
Nodding, I scour my nails along his back, pulling and twisting at his shirt.
He all but shoves me off him so he can stand, just so he can drag me up by the wrist. We’re all teeth and claws as we collide.
His hand shoots out, clasping the back of my head, wrenching me back to his plush lips. He tastes of sand and sea salt and I bury my tongue between his lips, desperate and famished.
I lift up on my toes, dragging my cock up his.
Clothes. There’s too many clothes.
Need more.
I’m not sure if I think or say it, but either way he gets the message, bending down, scooping me up around the ass with one muscular arm. My legs part, wrapping around him instinctually as I hoist myself up around his body. With one arm braced under my ass, he uses the other to keep a hand tethered to my hair, fingers digging painfully into my scalp.
And all I can think is—
How he manages to get us to the bungalow, I have no idea. I don’t stop tugging on his hair and sucking at his lips, arching and grinding up against his body. Nor does he stop growling and nipping at me as he carries me away from the beach.
The sun has all but fallen completely, bathing us in thick shadows only broken up by the now-lit tiki torches casting flickering light over our writhing forms.
I feel a drop of moisture hit my cheek. Then my arm.
It’s starting to rain.
I kiss him harder.
No words are spoken when we reach his villa. Holding me in his arms, he manages to get the screen door open, then kicks it away from us with a smack of metal against wood.
Inside, he turns, shoving me up against a wall.
Something rattles and falls to the floor with a crash, but it might as well be happening in a different universe. All that exists right now are the hands ripping away my clothes, and the mouth crushing mine.
He has to put me down to remove my shorts, so I use the opportunity to toe off my flip-flops and he does the same once my bottoms are thrown somewhere. I reach for his shirt, shoving it up over his head, and he scrambles for mine before shrugging off his jeans and underwear in one go.
Finally, when I’m left in nothing but my black briefs and he’s completely naked, his huge cock jutting out from between his legs, weeping at the tip, he grabs me by the waist once more and picks me up.
Hands clutch my ass, fingers digging, then ripping my underwear right down the middle. A thick, dry finger brushes against my hole and I clench, whimpering.
More, I need more.
A deep groan scrapes up from his throat, and then he’s swinging us around and carrying me to the bed, tossing me on the mattress.
I scramble back, resting on my forearms, but he just grunts, reaching for me, grabbing me by the ankle, and dragging me to the foot of the bed. “Over.”
Doing as he says, I roll onto my stomach and get onto all fours.