Page 184 of Exiled
They stare at me for a beat, then Zelda says, “Ah,” with a small pitying smile, while Micah just winces and shakes his head.
Fighting not to squirm, I shrug, and put on an air of nonchalance. “It is what it is. I guess I probably should’ve…called or emailed him first.” I sigh, shaking my head, hearing how pathetic I sound even to my own ears.Not that I had any way of contacting him…
Well, that’s not true. I could’ve contacted his business—Dresden Builds, LLC.
At least, I assume it’s his business. He did mention once that he was a contractor and owned his own construction company.
But it felt…wrong, going that way about it.
Would’ve saved you a whole bunch of money and time though, had you tried …
Micah nods, eyes filled with understanding like he’s sensing where my thoughts went. “Sometimes we need to see it to believe it for ourselves. I take it the reunion didn’t go well?”
Sucking in my cheeks, I shake my head. “He didn’t even see me.”
Zelda perks up at that, and I give her a small, tremulous smile. “He was with his wife and kid. Saw them coming out of a diner together. I bolted immediately.” I shake my head. “I didn’t come up here to destroy his life.”
Her eyes go big and round. “He’s married?”
I wince and rub a hand over the back of my head. “He told me he was divorced when we met. But…”
My mind flies back to that moment I saw him bend down and kiss the woman’s cheek. Between them, standing to only waist-high, that little girl with the big green eyes staring back at me.
Definitely Abby.
“Maybe it wasn’t his wife.”
I open my mouth, close it, then try again. “Their daughter though…” I say, shaking my head. “I heard her call her Mommy, and she was holding both their hands. I don’t see how it could’ve been anyone else.”
Zelda flattens her mouth into a hard line, nodding.
Micah sighs roughly. “Yeah, sounds like it.”
I shake my head. “Coming here was a mistake.”
“Hey now,” Micah says with an air of offense.
I open my mouth to apologize, and explain I meant Vermont in general, but he gives me a wink, telling me he’s just messing with me.
I slink back at that, reach for my glass, and take another sip.
He narrows his eyes. “You still don’t like it.”
I shrug. “It’s not awful. Just too sweet. And cold.”
He nods and makes a grabby hand for it, but I shake my head, holding it to my chest. Zelda chuckles in between puffs of her cigarette, making sure to blow it away from us.
Frowning, I wonder if that’s legal.
Micah follows my gaze, and rolls his eyes. “Zel, babe, take it outside.”
She sighs dramatically. “You’re lucky I love you.” She gives me a little salute and leaves, disappearing through a door off to the side of the bar.
“Meek, my ass,” Micah says, chuckling.
Smirking around the rim of the glass, I swallow some more of the sharp, fruity drink. I can definitely taste the alcohol now.
“So what’s your plan now?” he asks, crossing his toned arms over the bar. He’s wearing a tight black short-sleeved shirt that showcases the tattoos covering both arms down from his fingers, up to where they disappear under his shirt, and poke out again above the collar before fading near his jawline.