Page 189 of Exiled
“No, he was just…flirting, I think. Harmless stuff. I just…”
I huff. “As usual.”
“Well, if the way he’s still watching you means anything…I think he likes your fumbling.”
I level Micah with an unimpressed look, meeting his dark, nearly black eyes.
He spreads his hand and goes about making a martini, while I grab what I can from the cooler. “I’m just saying. He’s clearly interested.”
“Yeah, in my body,” I mutter.
“So?” He laughs quietly. “That’s not a bad thing. Have some fun for once. You’re twenty-one. Let loose a little.” He wags his brows and I roll my eyes, shaking my head.
I rattle off the other orders for him to make.
“You know, if I didn’t know better, I would think you’re still waiting for your sexy island man to show up and sweep you away.”
At the mention of Nolan, my chest tightens, and I shake my head. “I wish I never told you about that.”
He scoffs.
“And I’m not…waiting, not anymore.”I’m not.
“Good,” he chirps, sealing a metal shaker.
Turning to look over my shoulder, I’m not surprised when my gaze clashes into Quinn’s. He smiles and gives me a little wave before I quickly look away, and I feel something pull at my chest.
Not toward him, but away. Toward a man who’s clearly all but forgotten about me by now. It’s been three and a half years since Black Diamond, and he hasn’t made a single damn attempt since to reach out to me. Not that he said he would—he made that very clear—but still. A part of me hoped. A part of me wished maybe he would’ve realized how wrong he was that last night.
But now you know why he wasn’t…
I’ve known for six months now, and it still hasn’t made it any easier.
The last hour passes by in a blur as I continue to make my rounds, smile, nod and go through the motions.
Normally, I enjoy my nights working here, but tonight I’m just not feeling it. I’m tired. If anything, Quinn’s continued flirting—subtle and harmless though it may be—tired me out faster than usual.
All I want is a shower, some food, and to lay in bed and watch Netflix on my phone.
Not for the first time, I wonder why I’m even still here—working here, living here—a mere twenty minutes away from the man who stole my heart and never thought to give it back before returning to his old life.
I should’ve up and left this entire state the second I learned Nolan and I would never have a future.
So much for not waiting around…
“Nolan, hey,” a voice whispers.
Waves crash in the distance, clashing with the rumbling thunder.
It’s storming. Been storming all day. It never seems to stop here.
But that’s not true…