Page 208 of Exiled
I watch him walk away, fists clenching at my sides when I see the wandering eyes from just about each table he passes, gazing up and down a body they have no right to gaze upon.
Do you even hear yourself?
Feeling eyes boring into the back of my head, I turn away from the assholes creeping on my— Goddamnit, onSkyler…he’s not a piece of a fucking property, much lessmine.
Still, try and convince my body of that.
This possessiveness he brings out in me… it’s bone fucking deep, impossible to get a hold of, and seemingly more intense than ever after three and a half long years of just going through the motions. It’s taking literally everything in me not to go over there and throw him over my shoulder like I used to, and get his sexy, half-naked ass away from here. Preferably back in my bed where he belongs.
Impatient much? You’re lucky he’s even willing to talk.
A low whistle reaches my ear just as I plop down in the booth with an angry huff.
Hudson’s shaking his head. “Man, you’re fucked.”
I cut him a dry look.
“Seriously. I’ve never seen you like this.”
Cort’s nodding in agreement.
Shoving a hand through my hair, I say loud enough for them to hear me, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“I know what’s wrong with you.”
I look up at a smirking Cort.
“You need to get laid.”
Rolling my eyes, I grab my Diet Coke, sniffing again on reflex, before taking a hearty swig.
“I’ve been saying it for years—not to your face of course. I’d like to keep my pretty nose intact, thank you. But, seriously, I was worried.”
“Worried I wasn’t having sex?” I say dryly.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. Fortunately, before he can spew more nonsense, Hudson steps in, cutting right to the chase. “We thought you were punishing yourself.”
I stare at him.
“Because of what happened,” he clarifies, a somber mood filling the air. “That combined with the thought that maybe you were still hoping you’d work things out with Mel.”
I shake my head. “No.”
“Yeah, good on you for waiting ’tilafteryou were divorced,” Cort slurs, raising his drink in cheers. Hudson slides him a glare, and his fiancé just pats his head, while I just blink at him.
Then again, I suppose if anyone has a right to make light of what went down, it’s Cort…seeing as it was Cort’ssisterwho Hudson married.
But that’s a whole other sad saga for another day.
I still don’t even know all the nitty gritty details, but given what’s public knowledge and from the little he told me, I know that Hudson’s far from the cheating asshole people in town like to think he is. And Cort is far from the conniving mistress he likes to joke he is.
Humor. It’s how we all cope with the fucked up shit.
Hudson flicks Cort in the head, and looks back to me, picking up where he left off. “I see that now. But we didn’t know what else to think, other than you must’ve either met someone while in rehab, or you were just…” He waves a hand.
“Martyring yourself,” Cort finishes softly, all traces of humor gone.