Page 219 of Exiled
Do you even know I’ve been looking for you?
I miss you.
Find me, sweetheart. Come to me. I beg you.
You weren’t just a body for me to lose myself in those weeks we shared together.
You changed me. Irrevocably…
Tears cloud my vision, stealing the words from me. I blink them away, feeling them slide down my cheeks. My hands shake, and it doesn’t escape me how tense Nolan is.
My gaze snaps up to his. “You wrote to me.”
He nods, green eyes shining back at me. “Look at how I sign off each one.”
My brow pulls inward and I do as he says, scrolling to the bottom of the one I’m currently on. And everything in me stills.
“Yours, storms and all,”I whisper shakily. Again, my gaze whips up to his.
He nods, gesturing for me to keep going.
I press the back button and skip to another one. As much as I want to devour each and every word these little boxes contain, I can barely hold the phone steady, much less wrap my head around the fact he’sbeen writing to me.
And every single one I click open, even the one at the very bottom—the first one, from two years ago—it signs off with some variation of that.
Yours, still, storms and all.
Storms and all, always.
Yours always, storms and all.
A sound half-sob, half-laugh scrapes out of me.
Hands clutch my cheek, swiping away the tears as he lifts my face. Green eyes meld to mine, and a smile teases his lips. “Remember what I told you that night?”
I nod, clutching the phone.Of course I do.
He leans forward, lowering his hands to my neck, and he presses his lips to mine. “My hurricane,” he breathes.
I shiver, kissing him softly. “I’ve missed you,” I whisper.
He opens his mouth against mine, prying my lips apart. “No more of that,” he barely manages to growl, before sweeping his thick, hot tongue in my mouth.
Moaning, I drop the phone somewhere on the cushion next to us, and bring my fingers to his hair, shoving off his beanie.
He all but rips my coat off me next, throwing it on the floor. I have a harder time with his coat, so he picks me up and tosses me on the cushion next to him.
Ripping off his coat and shirt in one go, he turns to me, fingers tearing at his fly, when his gaze lands to mine and he freezes.
Right.I’m still wearing my Lola’s crop top. That combined with black skinny jeans…
“Jesus,” he mutters. “That outfit should be illegal.”
I giggle and his gaze flies to mine. I bite my lip and he shakes his head, a wicked gleam sparking in his eyes.
“You really are asking for it.”
I squirm, sliding down the couch, elongating my torso.