Page 227 of Exiled
“My shirt,” he mutters.
Pulling back, I look down, not surprised to find a string of cum streaked across the Lola’s logo.
Suppressing a smile, I peer up at him through my lashes.
“Do you think it’ll stain?” he whispers, horrified.
I cough, ducking my head.
His wide brown eyes dart to mine.
I shrug a shoulder. “Would it be so wrong if I said I hope so?”
His eyes bug out. “Nolan!” He slaps my arm, and I laugh.
He swats me again, so I grab him, rolling us, tickling and digging my fingers into his sides as he squirms and huffs and laughs.
Sitting up, I hold him in my lap, hands draped loosely around his lower back.
He grins down at me panting, fingers pushing the hair off my face.
I swallow thickly, my smile dimming.
“I’m sorry.”
His eyes crease.
“I never should’ve doubted this—doubtedyou.I just…” I hold him tighter, bowing my head to his chest, just above his sternum. “Fuck, I think Hudson was right.”
“The guy you met earlier.”
“The one with the tiara? He’s your best friend, right?”
Chuckling, I shake my head. “No, the one with the tiara was Cort. Hudson’s the other guy, but yeah, he’s my closest friend apart from Mel and Hal, my sponsor.”
I sense him nodding.
I blow out a breath. “Hell, even they called me out for it.”
He tenses. He’s quick to try and cover it up, but it’s too late. I caught it.
Tipping my head back, I frown. “You believe me when I tell you Mel and I are over, right? We’ve been over for years. Well before Black Diamond.” I pause, studying him. “Not that it makes any difference, but she moved on. She has a boyfriend. We’re over.”
His brow knits. “Does it bother you?”
“Not anymore.” My mouth ticks up and I lift a hand, stroking my thumb down his temple. “Not when I finally have you back. It only bothered me, because I hated that I didn’t have you.”
His throat bobs, eyes turning glassy.
“I’ve been feeling guilty for so long. What I did…Abby…”
He frowns. “You got her back though. Right?”
I nod. “I can see her. Watch her. I’m as involved as I can be.”