Page 20 of All We Are
There they are.
I squint, trying to see whose shoulders Phoebe sits on.
I snort side-stepping a couple of women trying to take a selfie. “Could’ve fooled me.” Our arms bump and he mumbles an apology. I just shake my head, ignoring the tingles spreading over my skin.
“I just…I don’t want to lose you, okay?”
I snap my head around, eyes wide. So caught off guard, I’m not looking where I’m going and I trip over someone’s foot. Mason lurches forward, grabbing my arm and steadying me just before I eat pavement.
“Christ,” he mutters. “Careful.” He shakes his head. “You know what I meant,” he grumbles.
Except I don’t.Rolling my eyes, I go to pull away from him, when someone slams into my back, shoving me right up against him, bare chest to bare chest.
I suck in a sharp breath, my whole body turning rigid. My shoulders. Hell, my nipples. Lower…
Of all times to be wearing booty shorts that leave nothing to the imagination.
A shiver races through me, and everything feels soloudsuddenly, and looks so bright. I feel like I’m vibrating with sensation.
Oh, right. The Molly.
I pivot away so the only thing touching me are the fingers digging into my arm. If I’m not mistaken, his grip has tightened. So tight, I wonder if he’ll leave marks. Not in a bad way, but in a…
Well, I don’t know what kind of way, but given that all the blood in my body seems to be rushing and gathering south, leaving me light-headed, it’s not in any way that is good for me.
“Mason,” I grit out in warning.
I lift my gaze, peering at him through my lashes. He’s got to have the palest of blue eyes I’ve ever seen in real life. Eyes that will never fail to steal my breath every time they’re turned my way.
It’s not fucking fair.
Once again we’re frozen in a standstill in the middle of a crowd of strangers, and yet I can’t find it in me to care. Not yet.
One second passes.
Two seconds.
It’s just Mason and me and nothing and no one outside of us exists. Time ceases, just like all the other times that came before, where we found ourselves locked like this. I hold my breath, count the seconds that pass by all too quickly, wishing I could stretch them out to infinity. Even if it means never breathing again.
Mason’s chest isn’t moving, and I wonder if he feels it too. If he can’t help himself but try to prevent the inevitable.
His eyes search mine, devouring them, and I let myself pretend it’s me he’s consuming, and not the ghost lingering between us.
He doesn’t say it this time, but I hear it nonetheless. I feel the echo of her name spilling from his lips like a hammer against my heart, shattering through my drug-induced haze, and snuffing out what little bit of euphoria I managed to scrounge up.
I can’t do this again. I can’t watch the moment it hits him, fracturing those icy pools of blue into a million shards I’ll never have a chance of gluing back together.
I’ve had to watch him break so many times, and knowing I’m partially the cause never gets easier.
Knowing I only ever make it worse kills me.