Page 42 of Teach Me To Sin
I’m halfway through putting on a clean pair of briefs when Colson curses and Benji yells “YES!” at the same time. “Go, go, go,” he chants as I hurry over in time to see one of them reared up on the cabinet and the other one standing on the kitchen island like some kind of victorious explorer.
“The damn sitter left an open bag of chips on the counter.” Colson runs a hand down his face, then taps the speaker icon in the app. “Hamlet,” he barks in a you’re-in-trouble voice. “Get down. No, leave it.Down.”
Triss glances disinterestedly at the speaker on the wall, then wags her tail as her brother pushes the shredded bag of chips toward the edge of the counter. “No, no, no. Down. Go settle, right now.” All Colson manages to do is make them more excited as the bag goes flying, spraying crumbs everywhere.
Benji breaks down laughing so hard he falls off the bed. Colson just takes a deep, cleansing breath and turns off the app, silencing the dogs’ happy crunching sounds. “I’m done with that for tonight.”
“Oh my god, you’re such a dork,” Benji croaks, then starts giggling again. Colson looks at me sheepishly. There’s a question hanging between us that neither of us have the answer to, but he just shrugs and starts getting into bed.
It should be a big moment, all three of us sleeping in one bed–something complicated and full of angst, to match the crisis in my chest. My heart is pounding and my stomach feels queasy when I turn the lights off, but Benji kills the mood by changing his mind four times about whether he or I should be in the middle. When he decides it should be him, he settles down on his side with his arms slung around me and his face in my chest, his ass pushed back against Colson. But every time we drift off, he starts laughing again until I kind of want to punch him.
I have a strong internal clock,so my body wakes me up before Alek’s alarm. Trying not to disturb the bed, I gingerly push myself into a sitting position against the headboard and grab my phone. Even though I don’t have work emails to check anymore, I can’t break the habit.
Sunlight forces its way through the gap in the stiff, ugly curtains, leaving a stripe of light across the floor and up over the two naked men sprawled on the mattress. Alek is curled around Benji with an arm around his waist, both of them still and serene.
I haven’t slept with another living thing that wasn’t a dog since the terrible rebound boyfriend after I abandoned Gray. Last night I kept jolting awake, confused to find a leg flung over me or a body tucked in my arms. I’d lie awake and listen to them breathe, Benji soft like a small animal and Alek snoring lightly, until I drifted off again.
I should go back to my room to shower and change, but as soon as I step into the hall, this is over. We can play games like there’s no tomorrow, but tomorrow always comes–and deep down we’re just a commitment-phobic asshole, a guy who works himself to death to avoid his trauma, and a boy with a fake name, no identity, and trouble written all over him. We’re all self-obsessed in our own way, doing anything we can to keep from hurting, and I’m pretty sure that would include burning each other down in the end. We’re all heat and no light, suffocating in the dark, unsustainable. It’s a sick kind of relief to know that in just a week or two I’ll be on a boat, leaving this mess behind forever.
Just now, I can’t bring myself to leave. Pulling up the website for today’s meet, I read through the various events and study the schedule. The fingers of my free hand play idly with Benji’s wild nest of hair, stroking it to some kind of order, then messing it up again.
When I glance over, Alek’s eyes are fixed on me. I let go of Benji quickly, but I’m sure he already noticed. He rolls over and fumbles his phone off the nightstand, while I admire his body. The rich, vain men I usually fuck obsess over their appearances, spending money on private trainers, liquid protein diets, and surgeries. I’ll admit I’m guilty of staring in the mirror too much myself. Alek looks real, like he’s doing the best he can while he’s busy pouring his heart and soul into making the world a better place. I like the size of his cock, too; big enough to stretch someone’s hole and hit their prostate, but compact enough to be a perfect mouthful.
“We need to have breakfast and be walking out the door in forty-five minutes,” Alek whispers, his voice ragged and sore. Rolling onto his side again, he studies Benji reverently. “I should wake him.”
“Wait.” I wasn’t sure, but this is the last chance we have. Why the fuck not? I flick through my texts. “Look at this. I got it out of him last night in the shower when he wanted to play more truth or dare, and I made him write it down so there’s no question.”
Frowning in confusion, Alek takes my phone and studies the screen. His eyes bug out and his mouth falls open he scans the words. “You’re kidding.” He holds it up like I haven’t read the message twenty times.
I dare you guys to fuck me awake in the morning. And yes, I consent to any and all weird-ass shit you can think of. Satisfied? Pretty sure it’s not gonna be hot anymore after you make me write a three-page essay about it.
If Alek had any doubt about the authenticity of the text, those last two sentences probably cleared his doubt. “Is this a…thing people do?” he rambles. “How do you even… Do you really–” He trails off when I raise a hand.
“Come here.” My slowly hardening cock brushes against my leg as I get up and circle the bed to sit between Benji’s feet. Alek nervously scoots closer until he’s right next to me.
“Morning,” he mumbles, looking everywhere but right at me. I’ve never been somewhere this intimate–both of us naked and dazed from sleep, close to the edge of sexual but not quite over, scared but longing. I supposed Gray came close, but we were two very similar people from the same walk of life.My feelings for him were nothing like the overwhelming, confused urges that wash over me when I look at these two, both completely different and more miraculous than I could ever deserve.
Alek inhales when I brush my fingers along his shoulder and down his collarbone, just tracing it. “I probably have morning breath,” he whispers. I tilt his chin up with my thumb. When our eyes meet, I can see the exhausted confusion furrowing his brows. Giving him time to pull away, I lean over and kiss him. It only takes him a moment to relax into it, his hand squeezing my hip. This is probably the last one, so I try to savor it.
“Now look,” I murmur when we pull apart. I trail a finger lightly up the inside of Benji’s thigh, pushing tangled sheets out of the way until his ass is bare for us. Alek watches intently as I press my hand against one cheek and pull it to the side to expose the hole I breached last night.
“You can play with it,” I breathe in his ear. Swallowing, he reaches out an uncertain hand and brushes his fingertip across Benji’s hole. “Loosen him up for you.” I stroke his back, lingering on his ass, and wish that I’d gotten a chance to slip inside him, too. “Massage it. Press into it a little until he starts getting turned on. Then we’ll get the lube.”
Alek hums softly as he teases the puckered skin with his thumb, so focused that he doesn’t notice his dick is getting hard. I have to squeeze my own cock as I watch to keep some semblance of control. I don’t think I’m going to last long.
“Can I try something?” Alek asks me with a mix of hope, concern, and lust. He’s so pure, even though he’s been through so much. Part of me is glad I won’t be around to see another man get him and change him, knowing he could have been mine if I weren’t too selfish for a relationship.
“Do whatever you want, and I’ll tell you if you’re about to make a terrible mistake.”
A tired smile flits across his face. Propping himself on his hands, he leans forward until his nose is an inch from Benji’s hole. He teases it one more time with his finger, then kisses it tenderly. The second time he presses his lips to the delicate skin, he works his tongue like he’s making out with someone, licking and pressing deeper with each stroke. A lot of first-time rimmers would hesitate here, but he groans and goes deeper, thrusting with his tongue. Benji sucks in a breath and spreads his thighs instinctively, pushing back to seek more of the hot, slippery pressure as he mewls in his sleep.
When Alek sits up, flushed and panting, I catch his wrist and drizzle lube along his fingers. “He loosens up fast, so you should be able to slide them right in.”
“Will it not hurt him?”
I rest my nose in his hair for a second so he won’t see me smile. “I promise it won’t. You did a great job with your tongue. Look how he’s begging for you.”