Page 10 of Tempting Klaus
All I want for Christmas this year is to be wanted.
And by wanted.
I mean fucked.
Love, Belle x
My lips twitch into a curl and my cock pulses.
I know exactly what I’m getting her for Christmas.
Stan hasn’t spoketo me or his father since his little outburst yesterday. The end of the day is drawing in and it’s our first wedding anniversary.
Christmas Eve.
And Stan hasn’t even made one advance at me.
I know this isn’t going to happen.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, twiddling my fingers and I should be thinking about me and Stan, but all I can think of is the way Klaus has made me feel over the last few days. The sneaking around and the touching when I’m not his to touch.
Sighing, Stan appears in the doorway.
“This…” he says quietly, moving his finger between me and him, “isn’t going to happen tonight. I’m sorry sweetness… I am just so under it with work.”
I can’t even say I am disappointed. I ignore the burn in my throat.
I just nod.
Words fail me.
And I honestly have no idea how much longer I can do this for.
A shaky breath leaves me and my head falls.
I stand from the bed, refusing to look at my poor excuse of ahusbandand walk into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. Hard.
I look at myself in the mirror, my white, two-piece matching lace lingerie clings to my curves, my blonde hair sits in loose curls and humiliation flames my cheeks. Why did I think tonight was going to happen.
I spent hours getting myself ready and prepared.
And for what? For him to reject me.
Shaking my head from side to side.
I’m done.
I amso sodone.