Page 34 of The Keeper's Closet
I quietly push off the chair and tiptoe to Nina’s bed. “I’ll be right back,” I whisper, stroking her silky white hair.
I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen.
Nothing appeals to me inside the fridge, so I grab a Nutri-Grain bar from the pantry and wander into the great room.
Moonlight streams through the windows, pooling on the blood-red Persian rugs. I run my finger against the soft, buttery leather couch. Stop to marvel at the grandiose fireplace.
What a life Tristan has.
What a horrible life his wife has.
I wander down the hall, studying the frames and plaques that comprise Tristan’s ego wall.
I stop at a console table. On it sits an eight-by-ten photo in an ornate gold frame. It is of Nina and Tristan on their wedding day.
My gaze lingers on Nina. So full of life. Her eyes twinkle, her cheeks are rosy, her smile is beaming.
What a beautiful woman.
I shake my head. Nina is so much better than Tristan. She is worth so much more than the life she has now.
I hear something at the other end of the hall, where Tristan’s office is supposedly located. I still haven’t seen it.
Curiosity gets the better of me, and I quietly make my way down the long, arched hallway.
As I near the end, I realize it’s not voices I heard so much as grunts and moans. Ignoring the distant, nagging voice in my head urging me to turn around, I press on.
My heart is pounding as I reach the door to Tristan’s office.
It’s cracked open.
I glance over my shoulder, then slowly peek through the crack.
Meredith is bent over the top of Tristan’s desk, naked except for the six-inch red patent leather heels on her feet. Tristan is thrusting into her from behind, one hand gripping her waist, the other pulling her hair like a bridle on a horse. His shirt is off, his skin flushed. Meredith’s head is bent back at what I assume to be a very painful angle. But she doesn’t seem to mind. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes angrily through the room.
Tristan growls something in her ear, then yanks her hair and thrusts into her harder, faster.
It is crude, wild sex, like watching two animals go at it on the Discovery Channel.
I can’t look away.
They both scream as they climax, him inside of her.
Inside.Is he wearing a condom? Or does he simply not care if his mistress has been with multiple men?
His chest heaving, Tristan folds over on Meredith’s back as she collapses against his desk.
I snap out of my stunned trance, then quickly and quietly backtrack. As soon as I’m out of earshot, I quietly sprint back upstairs, my heart pounding.
I am gasping for air by the time I reach the second floor. Bracing myself on the railing, I stop and stare at the closed door in front of me.
The room where Tristan’s disabled wife is in a medically induced slumber.
Tears sting my eyes.
This is wrong.
This issowrong.