Page 47 of The Awakened Prince
Buxom women filled his view, their dresses low, and their eyes hungry. Some held chalices that spilled blood red wine, others with decadent sweets. His father stood with his arms wide and a beaming grin that crinkled at his eyes. “My son, take one or take them all. Who needs a contract? In fact, let’s burn it.” He took off his crown. “This is yours. Rest here on your throne.”
His vision shifted to a battle between him and Phineas. He had finally overcome his friend and held the sword to his neck. Phineas lay on the ground staring up at him, his eyes filled with black ink that bled onto his face. His voice was garbled. “Kill me, traitor. End this competition. I do not wish to live under your kingship.” Killian saw himself draw his sword up and then plunge it into Phineas’s chest. Phineas cackled as bloody spittle landed on his lips. “You actually did it, you murderer. Finally. You killed me.” His gaze fixed on Killian’s. “You killed me. Now he will love you and only you.”
Killian screamed as he fell to his knees, trying to push out the images. The women in the vision crowded back in, petting his hair, crooning, and giggling. His father stood before him, shoving the crown toward his head. “Take it, take it, take it. It’s all you ever wanted. It’s all you need. Take it. Take it. It’s finally yours. Everything you ever wanted is yours.”
Killian felt his hands on his head as he closed his eyes. But the vision was in his mind, and he couldn’t close his eyes to that.
A rotting smell of old meat flooded his senses.
He rubbed his fingertips together, to gain some sense of reality. His vision self had stopped moving. He knew that the stench came from somewhere behind him. Though his vision self was still standing, he also knew he was kneeling, though he could not see it. The smell grew stronger.The only way out is through. Bend, don’t break. Get up.
“Jax! Phin! Meshougi!” he called aloud, and though he felt the vibration in his throat, his ears couldn’t hear it. The only sounds were the tittering women and his father’s, “Take it, take it.” He stumbled to his feet in the real world, the pressure on his toes the only truth he knew. Pressure on his hand told him he held onto a branch. Meshougi’s song echoed through his mind.Some breath to steal and shriek the lie.They were the lie. He had to trust his sense of touch. Trust the truth.
He stepped forward and hit something. His body stumbled a step before he caught his balance. The women around him grew talons, and their mouths opened to cavernous pits. He stepped again, taking a deep breath. Then another. The women morphed, their extremities extending, and their elbows and knees sharpening. His father’s face lengthened as his eyes blackened to empty space and his mouth dripped vomit as black as the mushrooms. Everyone began to scream. Meshougi’s song now came from his lips, “But rightly fight among the fray, the might of light will guide your way.”
One step. One breath. One step. One breath. “The trees drip words, the words burn hot, but truth will sear the pain to naught.”
Sear. Light. Truth.
The women’s faces transformed again, this time to sharpened beaks. They began to peck at him. Sharp pinches grasped and tore at his skin in the real world as well. But this wasn’t right. He didn’t want the treaty broken for just any woman. He didn’t want the crown at the loss of his father. He didn’t want to forsake his responsibility to his people. He didn’t want to lose Phineas for the sake of winning. He wanted to be himself. He wanted truth. He wanted what was best for the kingdom. He wanted the mantle of kingship so he could serve, so he could help his people. He wanted to do what was right.
If only the light of the forest was here.
One step forward. One breath. He fought forward with a grunt and cried, “Light! Light the way! Help me see!”
With a boom, white light burst down and blinded him. The light was hot, and the air filled with acrid smoke. He peeked beneath his hand. The world around him was brilliant, bleached, and … chaos. Massive crows with red eyes swirled around him, those who flew into the brightness screeched and flapped away, their feathers sizzling and falling like ash. His skin steamed as the poisonous ooze from the mushrooms and sap burned away.
He searched for his friends. Meshougi was crouched near his feet, curled in a ball, panting but alive. Jax cowered outside the light, beset by crows. Killian grasped his fur and tugged him into the burning white circle of light, leaving his avian attackers behind screaming at the edge of the shadows.
Where was Phineas?
Squinting, he saw Phineas several paces up the hill on his belly with his hands covering his head, overcome by the feathery attacks. Behind him, something massive approached. The smell grew as it drew nearer. Killian sprinted toward Phineas, relieved that a beam of light remained around his other companions as he dashed toward his fallen friend. The shadows behind Phineas formed into a two-legged beast, like a man but coated in black oil and mud that dripped around him with each squelching step. The creature reached for Phineas’s foot, and Killian shouted.
Leaping on his friend, the light split to come with him, and burned at the crows which hopped and whirled out of the circle with piercing cries. Phineas was shaking. The beast had pulled his hand back from the edge of the light. And from his crouch, it glared at Killian.
“This one is mine,” it said. “You left it behind.”
“You cannot have him. He is my friend. My brother.” Killian’s flat hand cut through the air. “You cannot take him.”
A gaping, unhinged jaw shuddered, and the voice of a hundred spoke. “I must have payment. You have entered my woods, and I must be paid. The rest can go free. Otherwise, I will kill you all. One to save the others. A true king would do it. It’s a small payment. Only one life.”
Killian’s heart iced over. Phineas shifted beneath him, rolling to his side while he held his stomach. He looked so tired, and his voice quaked. “Killian, let him take me. You must go and save your kingdom. Be the king I know you can be.”
One life for many. His friend for his own. Killian had run or hidden from many things, but in this, there was only one choice.
“No,” Killian said without looking down at Phineas. “I will not let you take him.” Before Phineas could protest, Killian reached out his hand. “Take me instead.”
“Killian! The kingdom needs you!” Phineas cried.
Killian shook his head. “The kingdom needs a king who will do the right thing. Who puts others above himself. Who values his friends.” He extended his hand farther toward the beast. “Who chooses love.”
The shadow’s maw pulled to the side in a dripping smile, and sharp yellow teeth glistened as it hissed. “Mine.” Snatching Killian’s hand, it yanked Killian from Phineas’s side. The moment the monster touched him, he was filled with a sickening dread. He was going to die.
The light above Phineas merged with the light encircling Jax and Meshougi who rushed to Phineas’s side.
The monster looked him up and down. “You will be payment.” His grip tightened on Killian’s forearm, piercing his skin.