Page 50 of The Awakened Prince
“Kisses are excellent magic. But of course, the true love is the important bit. That’s what breaks the curse. Breaks Princess Raela out of her sleep.” Auntie Shou paused, biting her lower lip before speaking again, more quietly this time. “You were there with your father and mother, Killian. And your parents and hers, wanting to ensure the magic of true love’s kiss, instantly betrothed you to be wed on her eighteenth birthday. Raela was the baby. Raela is your princess.”
Killian reeled and searched his memories, trying to put the baby and the woman together in his mind, but he had only been three years old. “I remember the castle and that the baby looked funny. The queen was crying, and I was mad at my mother for grabbing my shoulder hard as she pulled me from the room. For some reason, my memory also includes bears. Huge ones. I swear they were decorating.” He chuckled.
That was probably me.Lumbering out of the forest, the giant mother bear appeared, her twins stumbling behind her.I am the ancient that chose to stay with Walworth. Just as Jax’s family chose to stay with Norwood, and the elk with the fairies.
Jax eyed the ancient bear, before pulling back a paw, and bowing good naturedly.Greetings to the ancient bear.
She snuffed at him.And to you.
Phineas cleared his throat. “So, if I have this straight, Zalina is an evil fairy. She was unable to claim the throne because she wasn’t the king’s child, so she cursed Raela. But you altered the curse, and then what? You hid her for all these years?”
“All these years.” Auntie Toru repeated. “All these years, keep safe. Keep quiet. We could not have Zalina find her before time. We take back only at eighteen.”
“The plan,” Auntie Shou said, “was to return her after midnight, after the reach of the curse had ended.” She sighed heavily. “But as is the way of curses, they … find a way.”
“So in my running away to be with Raela, I was actually just spending time with my betrothed, the lost princess?” Killian asked as he threaded his fingers through his hair. “Could that be true?”
“Andthisis the way of love.” Auntie Shou grinned. “Love finds a way.”
“It was the light. It called him and let him in.” Auntie Mo muttered. She glared back at the light, which danced behind them, landing leaf to leaf, thrumming happily.
Auntie Shou giggled. “Don’t be upset with the light, Momo. Killian is a good man.”
Auntie Mo sniffed and eyed him up and down. “He must be good. Only big good deserves our Raelametanashi.”
Auntie Shou looked him over, too, with a wide grin. “He is the best.”
Killian felt his cheeks flush.
Auntie Toru leaned behind him and whispered to Auntie Shou in L’Turetian, “He is beautiful too.”
Auntie Mo stopped and stared at her sister. “Toru!”
“It is truth! I know these things!” Auntie Toru continued in L’Turetian.
“Emaname u’ra.” Killian smiled and saidthank youin L’Turetian.
Auntie Toru turned as red as a tomato and froze, pulling the trio to a stop. “I forgot he spoke.”
Even Auntie Mo joined the ensuing laughter.
Chapter 21
Killian’slegstrembledwithfatigue as the cabin finally came into view. Square and cozy, it sat nestled among aspens, a vibrant herb and vegetable garden at the back. Its thatched roof billowed over white walls and branch-lined window panes. String for laundry wove around the side like a spiderweb.
Killian’s chest ached as he pictured Raela growing up here. A toddler running among the tall grasses, a girl tripping through the doorways, a young woman hanging the sheets. He could imagine her vibrant radiance filling the whole area. It was missing now.
Auntie Shou paused beside him. “It hasn’t changed a petal.” Auntie Mo wrapped her arms around her shoulders, and Auntie Shou sighed. “It’s so good to be home.”
Once inside, Auntie Shou, Auntie Mo, and Auntie Toru fell into rapid-fire chatter as Phineas and Killian sat around the small table. Killian had to duck a little, but Phineas was bent in half to fit his body under the shortened roof. Soon, Auntie Mo shoved Auntie Shou over to a seat and set a steaming mug of tea before her, despite her protests that she could help prepare the drinks. Auntie Mo quickly distributed the other mugs.
While Phineas struggled to manage his long appendages in the small chair, Jax and Klatma—the ancient mother bear—waited outside, the cubs taking turns batting at Jax’s tail. Killian memorized every arch, every bookshelf, and every slat of wood of the stairs on the far side of the living room.
His body quaked in fatigue, but his knee bounced in anxiety. He needed to go save Raela—his princess. But Auntie Shou set her hands on his leg, reminding him he needed to refuel. Auntie Mo dropped a bowl of the most mouthwatering sweet rolls before him. Drizzled with fresh honey and topped with a lemon lavender jam, the bread heated through to his marrow. The stew was next, and Killian almost forgot how cold he’d been in the dungeon.