Page 12 of Orc's Craving
With her legs spread like that, her skirt hitched up, revealing creamy thighs I ached to sink my fingertips into. This position also hinted at the juncture between her legs where I wanted to bury my face and lick and suck until she shrieked out her pleasure.
My damn cock ripped up inside my loincloth, struggling to break free.
“Stop moving,” I snapped.
She looked up at me, her lush lips parting. Damn kissable lips. My pendant flared again, lighting up like a star. If the shaydes could fly, they’d spike toward us to tear us asunder.
She sucked in little breaths, and I suspected she’d make the same sound while I drilled my cock inside her.
“I doubtahhhis your name,” I said dryly, wrapping my arm around her to keep her from sliding off Feyla. I didn’t like how much I enjoyed holding her snugly against my chest.
“It . . . It . . .!” She pinched her lips closed and swallowed hard.
“If I’d known I could shut you up just by showing you to Feyla, I would’ve done it a lot sooner.”
She stiffened. “It’s normal to be frightened of a beast such as this. Flying! I can’t believe it. We’re flying. And my name’s Rhoslyn.”
The smile she shot me made my lungs seize and my pendant sparkle.
“Bright, isn’t it?” she asked, frowning at it hanging on my chest.
I clutched the pendant, blocking the light. “This is a symbol of the Azuris Clan. It represents water.”
“Why does it keep flaring?”
Because she was my fated one. It blazed only for her.
“It means nothing,” I said.
“I see.” She frowned up at me and snuggled against my chest. “I’m not so frightened any longer.”
“Why not?” As far as I could see, nothing had changed.
“Because . . .” She pinched her eyes shut before she looked up at me. “Despite not wanting me as your mate or wishing to fuck me, you’ve proven you’ll protect me. If nothing else, I know you’ll keep me from falling.”
I suspected resisting pretty little Rhoslyn was going to be harder than singlehandedly fighting off an entire legion of dresalods.
We flew through the night, but still didn’t reach the end of the forest.
“It goes on forever,” I said, too tired to engage in a battle of wits with Jaus any longer.
“I’ll stop and you can rest.”
“No fucking,” I warned.
He snorted but said nothing.
Feyla soared lower, her claws skimming across the tops of the trees. When an open area loomed ahead, she dropped down so fast, my belly wasn’t sure it could keep up. I gulped and swallowed as the giant creature landed with a dull thud on thick, overgrown grass.
Before I could say a peep, Jaus wrapped his arm around my waist and leaped off the vox, taking me with him. He placed me on the ground and removed my bag, handing it to me. I dropped it on the grass, too tired to care what might be inside.
Jaus also unhooked a small pouch from one of the spikes strutting down the beast’s neck. From it, he pulled a flask and handed it to me. “Drink. I’ll light a fire. We’ll sleep here for the rest of the night and continue traveling tomorrow.”
“How much farther?”